Thanks for joining us on our 16th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!
One unexpected phone call and Kane Davidson’s past is laid before him in agonizing detail of life or death. There is no question as to what his decision will be, and Jessica is by his side as he prepares to undergo major surgery. While Kane is in the operating room, a frantic call comes about his beloved mother and time is of the essence, although Kane cannot be told about her condition until he is stronger. Doctor’s orders. When he has recovered enough to be told the truth, will it be too late?
Martin and Lindy Parker are also edge of seat when their sixteen year-old son, Jason, finds first love with the precocious Keely Taylor, with explosive results. Will they find him in time?
Spring blossoms into a glorious summer; Savero Gold is still king of Emerald Valley as the ranch realizes even greater success, but for Kane, something is now missing. Incomplete.
Sometimes the truth can set you free, and sometimes it must go to a quiet place … and wait.
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