LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Fill The Stadium by K.M. Daughters

Thanks for joining us on our 13th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC. Follow and visit authors social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC!

Nikki Lambert’s husband purposely stalls his truck in the path of the midnight freight on the same day her eldest son, Jack, is diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder.

Injured NFL quarterback, Ramsey Delaney is benched from his starting position leaving him ample time for more hands-on involvement in The Good Sports Club, a community center he established where Nikki’s sons, Jack and Rocky are enrolled.

Jack’s deteriorating motor skills concern Ram’s employees who bar Jack from attending the club without Ram’s knowledge. Nikki wants nothing but normalcy for Jack and she heatedly confronts Ram for depriving her son of a beloved activity. Ram immediately reinstates Jack forging the fateful bond between Nikki and her boys’ number-one sports hero.

Ram is instantly attracted to Nikki. He wants to win her heart more than he’s ever wanted to win a game. But after her husband’s terrible abandonment will Nikki trust Ram’s motives and open her heart to love again?

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Gravity by Mona Sedrak

Thanks for joining us on our 13th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC. Follow and visit authors social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC!

Gravity: A force pulling together people and hearts.

After being shunned by her Middle Eastern family, medical assistant Leila Solomon struggles to build a life for herself and her child. Landscape photographer Aiden Stone built a career seeing what others miss, and the second he meets Leila, he is drawn to her unassuming beauty and fragile strength.

Leila cannot defy the gravitational forces pulling her toward Aiden and to the family who cast her out. To build a future with Aiden, she must face the past but is she strong enough to resist being pulled back into the family fold?

Scavenger Hunt:

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Six Months by Mona Sedrak

Thanks for joining us on our 13th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC. Follow and visit authors social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC!

For twenty years, Mikala Jacobson had it all: loyal friends, a precious little girl, and a man who adores her. Then double tragedy strikes and her perfect world shatters.

Good friends, Rena and Jake are instantly by her side, protecting her from her husband David’s sordid secret life and his final drunken confession.
With their help, Mikala finds strength to rebuild and redefine her life. As her spirit and heart heal, she not only finds closure, but the beauty of a new love built upon an old friendship.

Scavenger Hunt:

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: No More Secrets by Joanne Guidoccio

Thanks for joining us on our 13th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC. Follow and visit authors social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC!

Angelica Delfino takes a special interest in the lives of her three nieces, whom she affectionately calls the daughters of her heart. Sensing that each woman is harboring a troubling—possibly even a toxic— secret, Angelica decides to share her secrets, secrets she had planned to take to the grave. Spellbound, her nieces listen to an incredulous tale of forbidden love, tragic loss, and reinvention that spans six decades across two continents. It is the classic immigrant story upended: an Italian widow’s transformative journey amid the most unlikely of circumstances.

Inspired by Angelica’s example, the younger women share their “First World” problems and, in the process, revisit their relationships and set themselves free.

But one heart-breaking secret remains untold…

Scavenger Hunt:

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The Road to Delano by John DeSimone – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. John DeSimone will be awarding a signed copy of The Road to Delano (USA ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

It’s 1968, and a strike by field workers in the grape fields has ripped an otherwise quiet central California town down the middle. Jack Duncan is a Delano high school senior who is on his way to earning a baseball scholarship, hoping to escape the turmoil infesting his town. His mother has kept from him the real cause of his father’s death, who was a prominent grower. But when an old friend hands Jack evidence indicating his father was murdered, he is compelled to dig deeper. This throws him and his best friend and teammate, Adrian Sanchez, whose father is a striking field worker, into the labor conflict led by Cesar Chavez. Road to Delano is the path Jack and Adrian must take to find their strength, their duty, and their destiny.

Enjoy an Excerpt


Sugar Duncan was known around Lamoille County as a gambler who could farm, but Sugar called himself a farmer who understood a sure bet. He grew up a plowboy on a hardscrabble patch of Vermont hill country and had calluses before he knew he had brains. It was in the seventh grade, in Pete Colburn’s barn, waiting out a driving rain that he found his power. While playing seven-card stud he could see the patterns, he understood the odds. He lived by the bluff, and he lived well as far as a child of the Depression could. Before he reached high school, they were calling him Sugar because he was sweet about taking their money.

While his college buddies baled hay and slopped pigs to pay their way through Ag school at Vermont U, Sugar found it more profitable to relieve the hooligans and rumrunners of their easy fortunes at the card table above Markham’s Grill over in Providence. After four years of playing cards and a new degree, he left town to farm where the land hadn’t been wiped clean of its strength.

Sugar rode west to California’s Central Valley in a Pullman with a new pair of tan and white brogues stuffed with cash packed in the bottom of his steamer. FDR had just signed the Cullen-Harrison Act ending Prohibition, and a fifth of whiskey was now as cheap as an acre of California farmland. He hadn’t any choice. Returning to Vermont would mean he’d starve. With gasoline a luxury, his father had resorted to using mules to plow his hundred acres. Milk and corn prices had fallen so sharply, a farmer could live better by killing his cows than by selling their milk. California was the place he could make a living. And he intended to make that living as a farmer— eventually.

A couple of weeks after arriving in Frisco, Sugar stood on the running board of a dusty Model T on the road leading into Delano and surveyed the flatlands of the valley planted in golden September wheat. He removed his hat, wiped his brow with the sleeve of his seersucker suit, and his instinct told him there was a sure bet.

He ensconced himself in the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill. Each night around six, he made his way downstairs to a back room where he took up residence with a fresh deck of cards and a new bottle of Jim Beam, thankfully back in production, and waited. It didn’t take long for his table to fill. About a year later, he bought his first section of land.

About the Author:

John DeSimone is a novelist, memoirist, and editor. He’s co-authored bestselling The Broken Circle: A memoir of escaping Afghanistan, and others. He taught writing as an adjunct professor at Biola University and has worked as a freelance editor and writer for nearly twenty years. His current release, a historical novel, The Road to Delano, is a coming of age novel set during the Delano grape strike led by Cesar Chavez. BookSirens said, “It’s more than a little Steinbeck, in a good way….” He lives in Claremont, Ca, and can be found on Goodreads and at his website.

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The Wars Among the Paines by John M. Millar – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. John M. Millar will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Spanning over 200 years of American military history, “The Wars Among the Paines” (Koehler Books, September 30, 2020), tells the complex story of a family defined by war, accounting in vivid detail its toll in blood, treasure, and emotional turmoil. Nearly 50 years in the making, “The Wars Among the Paines” is the debut novel by Vietnam veteran John M. Millar, who tells a story that illustrates how the consequences of America’s foreign wars escape the boundaries of the front lines, and ripple through generations of families, friends, politics, and the lives of we the people.

Enjoy an Excerpt

“OVER THERE”—George M. Cohan

Thomas left on a troopship for France. He stayed on deck the entire time, except for meals, to minimize his contact in a closely packed ship. One of his goals was to return to his family by avoiding the diseases so easily contracted in war zones. He arrived in St. Nazaire, France, and was rapidly transported in a second-class passenger coach, while enlisted men rode in boxcars.

Thomas arrived at the front at a time that the First Division was the only fully trained American division in France. They had already lost a disproportionate number of junior officers in their first operational missions. Thomas was immediately assigned as a platoon leader in the 1/26th. He had been in France for less than one month, but he was about to engage in his first combat mission. The mission was to capture the town of Cantigny and the surrounding high ground.

On May 27, 1918, the division moved into its attack positions, and the next morning commenced their attack on the German positions in and around Cantigny. As the First Division advanced, German machine-gunners delivered heavy fire, killing three officers in Company A. The advance halted, while the advance party was pinned down. Until the machine guns were taken out, the First Division could not move. Second Lt. Paine gathered five volunteers, all armed with automatic rifles and grenades.

Thomas had this exact tactical problem while he trained in Ithaca. He had his remaining men deliver heavy fire on the machine gun positions, while his team pulled back and circled the Germans’ flank. They advanced slowly, then charged the bunkers, using their grenades first. When the grenades flushed out those who were not dead, the men fired their automatic rifles, killing the rest of the gunners and their support. Thomas’ and his men’s heroism would be recognized after the battle—if they were still alive.

About the Author:

John M. Millar has no traditional experience in writing a novel. “The Wars Among the Paines” is a result of a fifty-year process since returning from Vietnam in 1969. Millar grew up in Central Pennsylvania; and graduated from Cornell University in 1966. He served in the U.S. Army from 1966-1969; graduated from Officer Candidate School in July 1967; served as a First Lieutenant with the First Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969; and received two Bronze Stars, an Air Medal and a Commendation Medal from the U.S. Army. From the Vietnam government, Millar received the Vietnamese Honor Medal and the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross for joint operations. He graduated from the Darden Graduate Business School, University of Virginia with a MBA in 1972. For the past forty-five years, he has served in senior executive positions in the department store, regional mall REITs and mixed-use town center development industries.

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Madam in Silk by Gini Grossenbacher – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Gini Grossenbacher will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

4.7 Stars on Amazon! IPPY Silver Medalist Gini Grossenbacher’s second novel marries the squalor and chaos of San Francisco’s gold rush town with the struggles of the exquisite Chinese beauty, Ah Toy. She breaks rules and defies traditions, both American and Chinese, gaining courage to trust policeman John Clark. A sweeping, sensual, and inspirational tale that puts love to the test.

Read an Excerpt

After she swallowed what seemed like a rock, she found her voice. “If you knew this Mr. Painter, why did you not contact us in Guangdong?” If only her dragon would reach out its fangs to bite him.

“I tried, but even when I sent your husband the letter, I knew you would not receive it by the time you sailed. News came too late.” He twisted the brim of his cap.

“Now what do I do?” Those dragon fangs would tear off that hair on his face. Then she would feed it to the chickens.

He reached into his inner coat pocket, drew out an envelope, and held it out to her. “Here is money to get by for a month. Lodging, room and board.”

“Only a month?” She took the envelope, her hands trembling.

Painter’s patient tone grew curt. “I got you a room in Little Canton until you can get another ship’s passage home. You better leave on the next sail. Believe me, without a job you are a gone circumstance amidst all these varmints.”

“What are varmints?” she asked.

He tapped the badge clinging to his lapel. “Men with no good intent. You’ll see men who call themselves Hounds from New York who parade around town with fife and drum. Stay away from that lot. They prey on immigrants, such as your fellow Celestials and Mexicans. . . .

She took a half-step toward him. “I am strong. Willing to work.” Maybe if she said the words, they would come true. Was her dragon listening?

About the Author:

MADAM IN SILK is California teacher and editor Gini Grossenbacher’s second historical fiction novel. Her debut novel MADAM OF MY HEART garnered the 2018 IPPY silver medal for Historical Fiction; finalist in the 2018 American Fiction Awards for Historical Fiction; honorable mention at the 2018 San Francisco Book Festival for General Fiction; and runner-up in the 2017 Hollywood Book Festival for Genre Fiction. She is also a copyeditor and leads an aspiring writers group called Elk Grove Writers and Artists, providing lessons in novel writing, memoir, poetry, and flash fiction. When she’s not writing, Gini can be found taking long walks, tending the roses in her garden, and barbecuing with her husband and beloved dog, Murphy Brown.

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Writing Women’s Fiction as a Man by Ken Dortzbach – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Ken Dortzbach who is celebrating the recent release of Finding Hemingway.

Writing Women’s Fiction as a Man
There aren’t a lot of men who write women’s fiction novels. When I started writing my novel Finding Hemingway I did not think about it from the standpoint of writing a women’s fiction story. My wife said I was writing a “chick book,” but I said I wanted to write a novel about personal growth and development. I thought the story worked better with a female protagonist and did not think beyond that.

The premise of the book is petulant New York attorney Callie McGraw has six months between jobs and a hefty severance check when she is literally “called” to Spain on her cellphone by Ernest Hemingway—the author of her very favorite book The Sun Also Rises. While in Spain, Callie learns about life, love, and herself … and how to run with the bulls in Pamplona. The idea was not to focus so much on her being a woman, but rather to focus more on how and why a deceased Nobel Laureate and Pulitzer Prize winning author is calling my main character on her cellphone in the middle of Manhattan, convincing her to move to Spain, and then becoming her life coach for six months.

Not until I was deep into the project did I decide to figure out what genre the book would fit into, and when I did I determined it fit squarely in women’s fiction. Could a man write in that genre? I loved the story, and sometimes in life you just need to “own it” so I decided to press on.

While “pressing on” meant trying to tell a really good story without trying to make a particular point about what it means to be a woman, at the same time I could not ignore who Callie McGraw is. She is headstrong. She likes to take charge. She “leans in.” But she also has weaknesses, like we all do. Callie meets different men during her journey and falls in love. Needless to say, not everything goes as planned.

One thing I wanted to avoid was “brand signaling,” or giving your character context by the brands they wear or use. There is no scene in Finding Hemingway where Callie McGraw dramatically casts off her Manolo Blahnik shoes and knocks over her Fendi bag! That may work great in some stories, but it seemed to be an insincere crutch if used by me. It would be like I were saying, “Look! I know these brands. I get you!” Nope. I needed to make my story about people and places. I wanted to take a person out of their element, challenge them, and see how they responded. The reader could decide what brands Callie wears. I purposely set up my story so the reader could make other decisions as well.

Ultimately, I tried to write a women’s fiction book that was not for women, per se, but rather it was a book for people who love books and love to read. I tried to write a book for people who have wrestled with challenges and overcame them—a book for people who have fallen in love or want to fall in love. I tried to write a quirky romantic comedy centered around female empowerment without hitting you over the head with it. I wanted you to root for Callie McGraw because you like her for who she is, and I think you will end up rooting for her.

My phone rang.
“Callie, it’s me,” came the voice. A voice I’d heard somewhere before, like on an old-fashioned newsreel.
“Who is this? Do I know you?”
“The sun also rises in Spain,” he continued. “I’m waiting for you. You must find me.”
My stomach lurched.
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“Yes, that’s correct.”
“The Pulitzer Prize winner? The Nobel Prize author?”
“Correct again. Well done,” he said.
“The deceased Ernest Hemingway?”
“Death is but a small detail, Callie. Pay it no mind.”

So began the journey of Callie McGraw, a hyper-focused, overachieving New York City lawyer with an ongoing passion for The Sun Also Rises. Being in-between jobs, she began packing her bags for Spain’s sun-kissed streets that same night.

Starting in Barcelona, Callie embarks on a six-month escapade of a lifetime, a whirlwind of Spanish food, wine, art, and dancing, with a revolving cast of new friends and lovers keeping her company in each new locale.

Callie’s next cocktail is never far away, but Hemingway knows her secrets, the demons that plague her deep-down. With each mysterious call and each enigmatic clue, Hemingway challenges her to open herself to laughter, passion, and love. Ultimately, he defies Callie to face her nightmares and embrace life on her own terms.

About the Author:Ken Dortzbach released his debut novel Finding Hemingway July 7. Ken divides his time between Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin. As a graduate of Princeton University and the Northwestern School of Law, he practiced law internationally for almost twenty years, including living abroad and working in countries across the globe. And yes, Ken did run with the bulls in Pamplona like Callie McGraw.

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Favorite Recipes by Donna Hemans – Guest Blog and Giveaway

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Donna Hemans who is celebrating the recent release of Tea for the Sea. Ask the author a question or leave a comment for her for a chance to win a copy of the book as well as a pack of specially blended tea created in honor of her book. Note: this giveaway is limited to the US only.

Favorite Recipes

For the last six or so summers, my two sisters and I have held an ice-cream competition that has now become an expected part of summer barbecues at my house. We each make a homemade ice-cream or frozen dessert and the guests select the winner. While it’s fun, we’re seriously competitive about our entries, going all out on presentation and finding ways to keep our flavors secret until the big reveal. One year, my younger sister made matching T-shirts for her and her young daughters. Another year she wore a hula skirt to match the tropical theme. There’s even a trophy that a cousin-in-law surprised us with one year.

Never a big fan of dairy, sorbets are what I like making best. The only year I won the competition, I made a strawberry and mango terrine with a hint of ginger in the mango. The flavors blended well together and on the plate the tropical colors stood out. Another favorite is plum sorbet.

Here’s the recipe for my winning entry, both from Serious Eats. I love cooking with ginger so I added a bit when pureeing the mango. To make the terrine, line your loaf pan with plastic wrap, then put a piece of parchment paper into pan, letting sides overhang the edges. Spread one layer of sorbet and smooth the top. Freeze until semi-frozen, about 20 minutes, and spread a layer of the second sorbet on top. If you still have a room a third layer.

Mango Sorbet
2 pounds ripe mangoes, peeled and diced, 4 1/2 to 5 cups
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon lime juice, more or less to taste
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, more or less to taste


Pack diced mangoes in blender with water and blend on high speed until very smooth, about 30 seconds. Pour through a fine-mesh strainer into a large measuring cup, pushing purée through strainer with a spoon, until you have 3 cups of purée. Reserve remainder for another use.

Transfer strained purée into a large bowl and whisk in sugar until well dissolved. Whisk in lime juice and salt in small increments, adding more to taste.

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Strawberry Sorbet

2 quarts strawberries, washed (about 2 1/2 pounds)
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice, to taste
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, to taste


Remove tops from strawberries and purée in a blender or food processor until smooth. 2 quarts whole strawberries should yield 1 quart of purée. Add sugar and blend for 30 seconds. Add lemon and salt, blend to incorporate, and adjust to taste.

Strain purée and transfer to refrigerator; chill for 2 to 3 hours until very cold. Churn sorbet in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer sorbet to freezer to firm up for 2 to 3 hours before serving.

A seventeen-year-old taken from her mother at birth; an Episcopal priest with a daughter whose face he cannot bear to see; a mother weary of searching for her lost child: Tea by the Sea is their story—that of a family uniting and unraveling. To find the daughter taken from her, Plum Valentine must find the child’s father who walked out of a hospital with the day-old baby girl without explanation. Seventeen years later, weary of her unfruitful search, Plum sees an article in a community newspaper with a photo of the man for whom she has spent half her life searching. He has become an Episcopal priest. Her plan: confront him and walk away with the daughter he took from her. From Brooklyn to the island of Jamaica, Tea by the Sea traces Plum’s circuitous route to find her daughter and how Plum’s and the priest’s love came apart.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jamaican-born Donna Hemans is the author of the novel River Woman, winner of the 2003-4 Towson University Prize for Literature. TEA BY THE SEA, for which she won the Lignum Vitae Una Marson Award for Adult Literature, is her second novel. Her short fiction has appeared in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, The Caribbean Writer, Crab Orchard Review, Witness, and the anthology Stories from Blue Latitudes: Caribbean Women Writers at Home and Abroad, among others. She received her undergraduate degree from Fordham University and an MFA from American University. She lives in Maryland.

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FEED YOUR READER – Spotlight and Giveaway

Staying home to stay healthy? Looking for things to do?  Reading is always one of our favorite ways to pass the time, so let us help you keep busy.

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Click on this link: to find books in your favorite genres that are currently only $0.99 or maybe even FREE and feed your reader!!!

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There’s also a chance for you to win a $25 Amazon/BN GC – check out the Rafflecopter at the end of the post.

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