Spooky Twisties III, 13 Tales of Terror by Terri Bertha

Spooky Twisties III, 13 Tales of Terror by Terri Bertha
Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing
Genre: Middle Grade, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery, Horror, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (130 pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

House of Puzzles:Will Chris and Nick be able to solve the puzzles to save their lives?

The Best Book Ever: Can a school book report prove to uncover a little too much for one student?

Pretty Voodoo Doll: What will one of the girls resort to in order to make the cheerleading squad?

A Needed Friend: Why does the mysterious boy seem to be drawn to the girl who visits the graveyard?

Ghost Catcher: Lindsay meets a woman with some amazing abilities at the old-age home. Can you catch a ghost?

Saving Cardinals: Does Amy’s love of birds and animals prove to be a life-saver?

Two Bloke Boys:Will Nick and Chris find gold at the end of the rainbow?

Candle Sense: A thoughtful gift provides a haunting experience.
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Would You Believe?: The science fair and a revolution. Seriously, that’s why I didn’t turn in my homework.

Dronepocalypse: Buuuzzzz…did you hear that?

The Promenade: A trip to the historical museum and an old photo help solve the question of how to ask a girl to the spring dance.

Dire-Rama: WOW! That model looks so real!

Hello Me, It’s Me Again: Will an unexpected family reunion finally put things to rest?

The hidden references in these short ‘horror’ stories foreshadow future encounters and/or connect back to events of previous stories,and the twists in the story endings make reading the tales even more fun for ages 9 and above.

There’s not just one haunted house in this community. Many spots in this area have odd things happening in them.

This is the first time I can remember reviewing a collection of short stories that were about the same group of characters. It was quite interesting to me to read about the different adventures these kids went on with their various combinations of friends. Some of their experiences involved needing to do things like solve riddles or mysteries, so I liked seeing how well they were able to do this stuff depending on who they were spending time with at that particular moment.

It would have been helpful to have more details about the characters since the narrator didn’t describe what any of them looked like. While I did get a good sense of some of their personalities, it sure would have been helpful to be able to close my eyes and come up with full mental image of what each of the main characters looked, sounded, and acted like. They all sort of blended together in my imagination because of how few details there were about them in general.

The town where this book was set was quite the unusual place. Sometimes there were buildings that appeared and then disappeared again. Humorously enough, this was one of the least bizarre occurrences there . My favorite scenes were the ones that showed how the characters reacted to their familiar world being turned upside down at a moment’s notice. Without giving away spoilers, they reacted exactly how I’d expect them to. That alone made me want to keep reading.

This collection is the third in a series, but it can be read as a standalone work.

Spooky Twisties III should be read by anyone who is in the mood for something scary.

The Rubies by Rêve Fox

The Rubies by Rêve Fox
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Childrens, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (86 pages)
Age Recommendation: 8+
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Have you ever wondered if all fairies live in peace? ‘The Rubies’ beautifully leads the reader down an enchanted pathway of war, betrayal, friendship, love, and loyalty. Follow Princess Amira’s journey as she tries to bind together a nation divided by hate and fear, and build a new, stronger society from the scattered ashes of her family’s Kingdom. Friendships will be put to the test, and our heroes and heroines will have to learn to deal with grief, loss and sorrow, while putting the needs of others first.

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Not every conflict is going to be one that’s easy to solve.

Just like any other creature, magical or otherwise, there are certain things that fairies find harmful to their health or well being. While I can’t go into detail about what those things might be, I did enjoy getting to know the weaknesses of fairies in this universe. Knowing that they weren’t all-powerful being made them feel more relatable and likable to me. It also helped to make certain scenes feel more meaningful once I realized the very real danger they were in.

I had trouble keeping track of the many characters in this story. There wasn’t enough time to get to know all of them well, so it was tricky to remember how they all knew each other and which one of the four fairy tribes everyone was from. It would have been nice to have a smaller cast of characters to focus on so that I could get to know all of them in greater depth.

The world building was nicely written. Princess Amira and her friends lived in a complex society where everyone knew their place. The descriptions of the many different types of fairies in this world made me smile. I liked the fact that the author spent so much time not only describing them but explaining why certain factions did or did not get along well with others. It made for quite the interesting read.

The Rubies should be read by anyone who loves fairies or the fantasy genre.

Fight Like a Woman by J.S. Frankel

Fight Like a Woman by J.S. Frankel
Publisher: Regal Crest
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (167 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Meet Kyle Sorton, teen, orphan, living a life of no purpose on a space station. Occupation: janitor. Future prospects: none. His only dream is to be someone.

Anyone will do.
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Wish granted–sort of. An accident aboard his space station forces his flight, and his ship crash lands on an unknown world. Mortally wounded, he uses an experimental healing device called a Clavator to transfer his consciousness to the body of an alien woman. When he awakens, he discovers that this woman not only has special abilities, but that parts of her consciousness still exist. Even more surprising to him is the fact that his new host, named Rinarra, is married to Merat, another woman. She is understandably upset over losing her wife, and initially rejects the new Rinnara.

Confusion reigns, and compounding his problem of understanding his new form is the existence of a hostile alien force known as the Droogs. Large, purple, and utterly evil, Droogs care not about any lives other than their own. Kyle, who slowly begins to not only identify as Rinnara but also to fall in love with Merat, decides to fight the invaders. Windeeri has become a home, and she’ll defend it, even at the cost of her own life.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Kyle’s character development was quite well done. He’d already been through far more than his fair share of tragedy by the time the first scene of this story began, and he clearly hadn’t been able to process all of it either. It doesn’t quite feel right to say that I liked this about him because of how sad this part of his history was, but I sure did appreciate the fact that he was still a work in progress. His unresolved grief over the deaths of his parents made him feel like a real person to me. More than anything, I wanted him to find closure there and at least have the possibility of living happily ever after by the final scene.

The world building was phenomenal. There are many parts of it I can’t go into detail about without giving away spoilers, but I loved the way Mr. Frankel showed the audience what life was like for Kyle and other average humans in the distant future. Their utilitarian lives were a nice contrast to the less technologically advanced but friendlier society that Rinnara was from.

Gender identity is a complicated topic. One of the things I found most intriguing about this book was how it explored what it means to identify as a specific gender, especially since Kyle grew up in a society that had the same exact expectations for men as it did for women. This lack of gender stereotypes had a very interesting effect on how Kyle adjusted to living in a female body after his accident, and I appreciated all of the thought the author put into how this character would react to this sort of change.

I’ve read just about every book Mr. Frankel has written, and Fight Like a Woman is by far my favorite one so far. It’s something I’d heartily recommend to fans of the science fiction and young adult genres alike.

The Auctioneer by J.S. Frankel

The Auctioneer by J.S. Frankel
Publisher: Devine Destinies
Genre: Young Adult/Middle Grade, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (247 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Matthew Carter, eighteen and orphaned recently due to the death of his father, continues on the family tradition of auctioneering. It is not his chosen profession, but one that is thrust upon him by circumstance.

Offered a chance to make some money by a man named Baltarus, Matthew reluctantly agrees, and to his surprise, ends up on an alien star-port where he auctions off rare items from all over the galaxy.

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Life is good, but all that changes when he becomes a target of unknown assassins. Additionally, he is forced to sell a planet named Volarus, something that goes against his conscience.

Matthew finds out there’s more to life than making money, and races against time to find a loophole in order to stop Volarus from being next on the bidding block, as well as finding out the faceless killers who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

How would you react to a job that forced you to do unethical things?

The romance subplot was handled beautifully. I was pleased with how naturally the relationship between Matthew and Anarra unfolded. They spent time genuinely getting to know each other as individuals first, and that’s always something I appreciate in this sort of storyline. It makes the thought of two characters possibly ending up together for good even sweeter in my opinion than it might otherwise be.

I would have liked to see more attention paid to the character development in this tale. Matthew was a fascinating guy who’d been through a lot in his short life. As interesting as it was to get to know him, I didn’t see the kinds of personal development in him I was expecting to find. He had plenty of opportunities to grow as a person. I simply needed to see more examples of him doing that during the course of his adventures.

Speaking of characters having adventures, though, this book was full of twists and turns. Once I started reading it, I had a hard time putting it down again until I knew how everything would turn out for the protagonist and all of the folks he met along the way. One of the things I enjoy the most about Mr. Frankel’s stories is how much action he packs into his plots, and this one was just as exciting as everything else he’s written so far.

The Auctioneer should be read by anyone who likes adventurous science fiction.

The Request for Lambency by Ileso DMC

The Request for Lambency by Ileso DMC
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: YA, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full length (330 pages)
Age Recommendation: 16+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

The entire world, set in the near future, has changed since the discovery of these ‘requests.’ New businesses and services are created to capture this significant moment after death. All religions are forced to translate what this peaceful, yet unusual occurrence means with the consensus being that their supreme being is allowing one sentimental object to be taken into their afterlife. Social media erupts with new apps to track these request videos as the global public has an addiction to them. Powa is a teenager who partially uploads a request video that creates a social media frenzy. She successfully leaves summer school to escape her pursuers who happen to be an aggressive corporation that is grossly invested in the well-being of the human body. To make matters worse, a government agency whose assignment is to authenticate all request videos, services, and businesses is demanding to view that video in its entirety. Unable to determine friend from foe, she confides in an unacquainted classmate who convinces her to take a journey from her hometown to San Diego’s Comic-Con as they pick up his slightly unusual friends along the way. Along the way, they learn of other cruel measures companies are willing to invest in having their device be the object of ‘the request.’ They soon discovered that to be more difficult than they had anticipated. Only one corporation was the exception to this rule. They believe the final piece to the puzzle lies with Powa even though she is convinced other celestial forces are at play.

The Request for Lambency is an inventive and unpredictable story focused on a young lady and her “nerdy” acquaintances and their adventures. As they find themselves in a great deal of trouble, it is sometimes difficult to know who to trust.
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Each of these characters is well-written and unique. Readers can clearly hear their individual and quirky voices. There is levity throughout the story—not an easy task, given the seriousness of the situation.

At times the story is silly and youthful, with young humor—as it could have in a YA story—and at other times, the ticking clock makes for a suspenseful mood. Things escalate, and readers will worry about the protagonists, for they are going up against a profound threat.

The setting is detailed, and readers are brought into this fictional world, but they also get a taste of the real Comic-Con world and its not so awesome darker side.

The Sci-Fi aspect was written with a talented hand, and it overlapped with the mystical seamlessly.

This is a good story for those who like YA and the unusual.

April Book of the Month Poll Winner ~ Edger Lives by David Beem

Edger Lives by David Beem
Publisher: Escapist Press
Genre: Contemporary, Comedy, Action/Adventure, Paranormal
Length: full Length (305 pgs)
Rated: 5 stars
Review by Rose

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

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Edger is falling for Mary, his bodyguard, kick-ass spy, and cover wife. But she’s so hopelessly out of his league, it’s clear someone’s going to get hurt. Less clear? That someone may be the Prime Minister of Australia.

When Mary confesses her desire to kill the world leader whose assassination Edger’s supposed to prevent, Edger’s superpowers pick the worst time to stop working. Without a fully functional psychic superhero, their team of spies can no longer order him to probe Mary’s mind for ill intent. The stage is set for a confrontation that threatens to strip a defenseless Edger of his loyal protector just when he needs her most.

Return to the Collective Unconscious, this time with Listerine-chugging stoners, Hollyweirdos, commie-alien-kung fu robots, one space gorilla-unicorn, and an exceedingly lovesick Vladimir Putin.

Mind your fingers and toes on page 270. Those skydiving mind-control monkeys have been known to bite!


Dark Lands: Requiem by Lyn Kelly

Dark Lands: Requiem by Lyn Kelly
Publisher: Lulu Publishing Services
Genre: YA, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (216 pages)
Age Recommendation: 16+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

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This is a YA Fantasy story with a setting that has appealed to people for untold ages: the afterlife. It is told through the eyes of a sensitive and brave young man—Webb—and his younger sister—Sundown. These two are engaging characters who steal the heart. Their support team contains a variety of interesting characters, ranging from cranky teachers to loving family members who have passed away, those who would be their friends, and even a giant, purring house cat and mystical horses. The villains are equally interesting and quite a threat. Could some of the nice people actually be up to something though?

The world is well written, with its beauties and terrifying dangers. Even in this world, filled with those who have crossed over, worse things than death could happen and threaten to on a daily basis. The good parts of this realm are magical, and the author has done well completing a multi-faceted place.

Continual suspense and questions yet to be answered wrap themselves around the adventure. Readers get some of those answers in this first part—more is to come! When this part of the story is over, readers are likely to want to pick up the second. What is to become of Webb and Sundown? Where did their Uncle go, and how did the siblings die?

This is an enjoyable, coming of age…of sorts…story. The likable Webb and Sundown discover more about themselves, their weaknesses and their latent talents, giving a dreamlike touch to the whole tale.

Mr. March by Bailey Bradford

Mr. March by Bailey Bradford
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (139 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Curiosity didn’t kill this cat…

Jason Eddings is a foreman for a construction company by day and a mountain lion at night. He got suckered into doing a calendar shoot. Little did he know that his sisters, Cindy and Anne, were hoping to set him up with Gregg, another man on the calendar shoot. That never happened, because Gregg met Albert.

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Casey’s a newly graduated veterinarian. He thought there was something special about the mountain lion, but he didn’t have a clue how much his life was about to change.

Curiosity had nothing on this cat. And he’s hot, too!

I’ve read a few books by Bailey Bradford and I haven’t been let down. When I saw Mr. March, involving hot guys and shifters…I had to check this book out. I’m glad I did. The characters are interesting, the take on shifters is unique and the writing is crisp.

Jason and Casey are regular guys. That’s part of what I loved about them. Jason’s a shifter–a mountain lion, but he’s also a contractor. So he’s a regular guy. Then there’s Casey. I liked he was smart and a veterinarian (score for Jason, right? Grin.) but he was down to earth. The chemistry between these guys is off the charts, so that’s a plus, too.

I mentioned earlier Bradford’s take on shifters is fresh. There are details the author includes that aren’t in other shifter books, which kept this one interesting. The story line is solid and kept me in my seat, needing to know what was going to happen next.

If you’re interested in a book with hot guys, fantastic chemistry and a plot that’s memorable, then this might be the book for you.

Every You, Every Me by David Levithan

Every You, Every Me by David Levithan
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery, YA
Length: Full length (256 pages)
Age Recommendation: 16+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Cholla

In this high school-set psychological tale, a tormented teen named Evan starts to discover a series of unnerving photographs—some of which feature him. Someone is stalking him . . . messing with him . . . threatening him. Worse, ever since his best friend Ariel has been gone, he’s been unable to sleep, spending night after night torturing himself for his role in her absence. And as crazy as it sounds, Evan’s starting to believe it’s Ariel that’s behind all of this, punishing him. But the more Evan starts to unravel the mystery, the more his paranoia and insomnia amplify, and the more he starts to unravel himself.
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Creatively told with black-and-white photos interspersed between the text so the reader can see the photos that are so unnerving to Evan, Every You, Every Me is a one-of-a-kind departure from a one-of-a-kind author.

Losing your best friend is hard enough. But what if you think you’re losing your mind, too? Ever since Ariel left, Evan’s found himself adrift. Unable to sleep or concentrate, he’s falling farther and farther into a dark hole of what ifs. But when he finds the first picture, he begins to wonder if there is more going on than he suspects.

I had a bit of a love/hate relationship with Evan at first. You want to coddle this boy who has lost his best friend, but you also feel the need to shake some sense into him. However, as you get deeper into the story and begin to understand all that was going on with his friend, Ariel, it makes more sense why he’s being so hard on himself. Why these photos he’s finding are so important to figure out. Still, there are moments where he should have taken a step back and reevaluated his situation. He might have been able to better cope with certain things if he wasn’t forever pushing forward at a breakneck pace.

Although set in high school, the emotions and mental health struggles that both Evan and Ariel deal with throughout the story spoke to me on an adult level. So many times in our lives we’re going through something and believe that no one else will ever understand. That’s not unique to teens, it pursues us into our adult lives as well. It’s an unfortunate part of life, but one that most of us learn how to deal with in the end. I think that, by the end, Evan has started to understand this as well. It’s my hope for him anyway.

Told through both prose and a set of increasingly strange black and white photographs, Every You, Every Me isn’t your typical young adult fiction. This is a good part of the reason why I picked it up, I was intrigued by the concept of mixed media. In addition to the photographs, the story feels like an old journal entry, complete with random strike throughs in the text. Most of the time, the strikethroughs in the text make sense, as if Evan is editing his thoughts in real time, although there are moments where it didn’t seem to jive for me. In the end, Every You, Every Me is a tale of friendship, mystery, and finding mental wellness when you don’t think it’s possible.

Dear Martin by Nic Stone

Dear Martin by Nic Stone
Publisher: Ember
Genre: Contemporary, YA
Length: Full Length (212 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Justyce McAllister is a good kid, an honor student, and always there to help a friend—but none of that matters to the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. Despite leaving his rough neighborhood behind, he can’t escape the scorn of his former peers or the ridicule of his new classmates.
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Justyce looks to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for answers. But do they hold up anymore? He starts a journal to Dr. King to find out.

Then comes the day Justyce goes driving with his best friend, Manny, windows rolled down, music turned up—way up, sparking the fury of a white off-duty cop beside them. Words fly. Shots are fired. Justyce and Manny are caught in the crosshairs. In the media fallout, it’s Justyce who is under attack.

Gripping and fascinating, yet sad. What a book!

I have to admit I’m new to the work of Nic Stone. This is my first book by this author. The style is unique and the story fresh. This book was thought-provoking and eye-opening. The writing flowed well, and though there are a couple of different styles, it worked. I liked when Justyce journaled his letters to Martin. He writes letters to Martin Luther King Jr. in an attempt to make sense of what’s happening to him. I liked reading this from his perspective.

The book touches on affirmative action, profiling, racist jokes, going along with the flow, peer pressure and the determination to be one’s own person.  The book made me think and opened my eyes. I hadn’t known in quite such vivid detail what people like Justyce go through on a daily basis.  There are themes in the book that might be hard to read, but it’s worth the read. At just over 200 pages, it’s short enough to be a quick read, but long enough to make an impact. Grab a copy today.