Masters of Appearance by Montgomery Raye
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary
Rating: 2 stars
Reviewed by NymphaeaKingpin of Kansas City’s underworld, Eddie, has just gotten two bullets to the back of his head. As his estranged daughter begins to unravel what kind of man her father was, she finds more than just his empire was on the verge of crumbling.
Beneath the steel armor of a cocksure crime lord of passion and power that made women quiver and men quake in his stormy path, a kingpin’s myth dissolves in “Masters of Appearance”.
He’s got a history and he’s a pistol, but now that he’s dead, someone has to unravel his past.
I wanted a short story and this one fit the bill. It’s nice and short, so good for a lunch time read. The story clipped along all right and I read it in one sitting. The characters are different and have promise.
This book would be even better with one more once-over with an editor. There were words missing and I never really got a sense of the POV of the character. It felt more like stitched together bits of a story, rather than a gripping tale. I wanted to feel like I was in Eddie’s point of view, but it was more like watching from the outside. There is resolution of sorts in this story, but it’s not what I expected. That doesn’t make it bad, just different.
If you’re interested in a story that teeters between erotic and erotica and will singe the ereader during your lunch break, then this might be the book for you.