The Witch’s Revenge by Danny Odato

The Witch’s Revenge by Danny Odato
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Genre: Suspense/Mystery, Horror, Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (188 pages)
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

In Harangul, a village in the Latur district of Maharashtra, the Nehra family wakes up to what they believe is an ordinary day. But things are about to take a dark turn in the little village when a mysterious old woman moves into the abandoned house next door. Padma, a simple woman, is married to Mohan, a hardworking tailor. They have four children and are raising them in a loving, traditional Hindu family. They enjoy the culture of their small community and rely on their many friends, elders, and traditions to lead happy and spiritual lives. But soon after the arrival of the strange woman next door, a child is involved in a horrible, fatal incident. Another child becomes seriously ill, and a woman falls to her death from her roof. Then Padma’s own family suffers a tragic loss. Mohan and Padma seek spiritual advice, to no avail, and the authorities offer no assistance. Finally in desperation, as things become more bizarre in the colony, a party of brave men ventures out to seek a strong baba from far away. With faith, strength, and a very strong sense of community, the people of Harangul work tirelessly to free their home from the grasp of a terrible evil presence—a daayan who threatens their very existence. The Witch’s Revenge is a striking novel that seamlessly blends Indian tradition with suspense and horror—a book eloquently presented by a gifted new storyteller.

How would you protect your loved ones from a threat that no one saw coming?

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It would have been helpful to have more information about the villain’s thought processes during the course of this tale. While a strong backstory helps to explain this individual’s motives, certain parts of it never quite made sense to me. Given this character’s knowledge and personality, I would have expected a very different course of events to be the most logical outcome of their experiences.

With that being said, the rest of the characters were quite easy to get to know. Mr. Odato smoothly shifts from one point of view to the next. Since nearly all of the plot is experienced from the perspective of a handful of individuals it was easy to quickly figure out who is speaking when it changes again.

There were quite a few grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes in this book. While I was reading I wondered if certain syntax errors were placed in the text deliberately in order to give hints about the narrator’s background, most of them did not further the plot and seemed to be there accidentally. They were distracting due to how often they occur.

Mr. Odato’s detailed descriptions create a setting that works incredibly well with the plot. It was easy for me to visualize what the village looks like, especially at night when some of the scariest scenes occur. The foreboding presence of a nearby jungle that is rumoured to be haunted sent a chill down my spine.

The Witch’s Revenge has clearly been influenced by classic horror tropes. I would especially recommend this book to readers who are big fans of this style of writing as it is a good example of what it can be.

Losing Touch by Christian A. Larsen

Losing Touch by Christian A. Larsen
Publisher: Post Mortem Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Horror, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (209 pages)
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Morgan Dunsmore feels like everything is out of reach–a paying job, a healthy marriage, even a good bowel movement. Complicated by his wife’s recent back surgery, Morgan tries to protect his wife & kids from his anxieties, not to mention their financial burdens, but that just pushes them away even further. In the middle of it all, he starts to lose his tangibility. He may be able to walk thru walls, but that ability comes with a price. He has to learn not just how to control it, but how to use it without anyone finding out, not even his family. He doesn’t want to become a circus freak or government test subject while providing for his wife & kids, but there doesn’t seem to be any honest work for a man who can secretly phase through solid matter. The temptations, on the other hand–the temptations are endless, & when he succumbs to the first, the rest begin to fall like dominoes…

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What Morgan needs more than anything in life is a break. His emotional and financial troubles are explained in such excruciating detail that it almost felt like a memoir at times instead of a fictional story. The strained but loving relationship between Morgan and his wife only solidified my desire to know what what happens to them next. He has been with her for so many years that this reader learned more about his personality and character flaws from their interactions than I did from his inner monologue.

A little too much time was spent focusing on the main character’s adjustment to his newfound ability. While the first few scenes are well-written, Morgan’s shock lingers just past the point of believability. Had this section of the book been a little shorter it easily would have earned a much higher rating as the plot quickly picks up speed once he begins to play around with his powers.

With that being said, the pacing in the rest of this book is excellent. The creeping dread I felt as I anticipated what would happen next kept me engrossed in the plot. I figured out some plot twists ahead of time, but Mr. Larsen includes a few surprises that I never saw coming. I don’t know if he has any plans to write a sequel, but there is definitely room to revisit these characters if he chooses to do so. This reader would be very interested in hearing more from Morgan in the future.

The horror and science fiction elements in Losing Touch are sneaky. This is a tale that slowly creeps up and only reveals its sharp teeth at the last possible moment. For this reason it’s a great choice for anyone who is new to either genre and would like a small taste of what they have to offer.

The Waiting by Hunter Shea

The Waiting by Hunter Shea
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Horror, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (112 pages)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

“Clinging to life, haunted by the dead. ”

Newlywed Cassandra Pagano lies in a state between life and death, her body fed and preserved by the machines at her side. While she struggles, unaware of the world around her, someone waits a boy. A phantom that appears solid, real, “alive.” Cassandra s husband, Brian, sees him in the house, by her bedside, running down darkened hallways. The boy walks without sound, whispers words that can t be deciphered.

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Prolonged stress can crack even the strongest person. Brian is no exception to this rule, but if he wants to help his wife he has to figure out a way to stay whole.

The most important thing any good ghost story needs is the right ambiance. Mr. Shea sets the eerie tone for his tale early on, and from Brian’s very first encounter with the paranormal I looked forward to seeing what the author had in store for his characters. The setting was so subtly frightening that I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.

As the plot unfolded I returned to the question of Cassandra’s health over and over again. After how close her family came to losing her I had some trouble believing that her doctors would send such a fragile patient home with what only seemed to be part-time nursing care. This became even more true once I realized that none of her relatives worked in the medical field or had any previous experience with any of the machines that are keeping her alive. It would have been helpful for this issue to have been addressed in more detail early on.

At several different points in the narrative the perspective switches to a secondary character. Each switch happens quickly, and at first I was a little thrown off by how fast it occurs as well as the short amount of time that is dedicated to their experiences. Eventually I understood the author’s reasons for including these scenes, though, and I do think the story is stronger because they were included.

The chilling ending is ultimately what earned this tale its rating. While I figured it out in advance, it fit in well with everything that I learned about the characters in earlier chapters and sent a cold tingle down my spine. One of the reasons why I am such a big fan of the horror genre is how fear can bring out the best and worst of us. This tale is a good example of how that works.

I stayed up late to finish The Waiting, although I wouldn’t recommend doing the same to anyone hoping to get a good night’s sleep. It’s much better to read this book in the middle of the day while ignoring any unusual shadows or heavy footsteps in the corner of the room.

Sandy Creek by Trina M. Ward

Sandy Creek by Trina M. Ward
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press
Genre: Suspense/Mystery, Contemporary, Horror, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (242 pages)
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Something evil dwells in and around Sandy Creek. There have been numerous sightings of a Creature that remains a mystery in the unsuspecting town located along the Gulf Coast. Murders, attacks as well as odd mishaps all take place within the Sandy Creek area. Preston, his girlfriend Shayne, his best friend Aaron and Kimberly will encounter something beyond their wildest imaginations. Nothing could ever prepare them for what they find. The answer is within the truth, but the truth may not exactly set them free.

Few things are stronger than the bond between siblings. Little does Preston know just how far his love for his sister is about to take him, though.

The author’s vivid descriptions of the setting made me feel as if I were wandering around Sandy Creek alongside Preston and his companions as they attempt to figure out what really happened to his sister. Every sense other than taste is invoked as what should be a peaceful body of water gradually reveals its dark underbelly. My favourite scenes involve the protagonist’s exploration of this area due to how easy it is to mentally picture exactly what he is experiencing.
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I got to know Preston very well during the course of his tale, but it was harder to figure out the personalities of the people around him. Each one is given a brief introduction, but had their names not been included in later scenes it would have been difficult for me to know who was speaking based on what they said or how they react to everything that happens to them. Preston has a well-defined personality that affects every decision he makes. The secondary characters do not seem to share this same advantage.

As soon as the mystery presents itself in the first chapter I couldn’t wait to find out what happens next. The author’s use of a well-paced plot as well as her decision to begin a little later in the timeline than I was expecting kept me on my toes.While the cast of characters is about the size I would expect for a novel this length, I was also surprised by how quickly many of them are introduced in the first few chapters.

There is also a lot of telling instead of showing in this book. Preston’s reaction to his sister’s disappearance felt genuine to this reader, but many other emotions, character traits, and clues about what is really happening are released in a sentence or two instead of being allowed to gradually seep through body language or dialogue.

The ending redeemed many of my concerns about earlier chapters. It wasn’t something I saw coming until right before it happens and I was impressed that the author was able to keep me guessing for well over 200 pages. If this is any indication of Ms. Ward’s writing ability, I look forward to seeing what she comes up with next!

Sandy Creek is a solid mystery that I would recommend to anyone in the mood for a challenge.

Haunt Me by Lena Loneson

Haunt Me by Lena Loneson
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre:, Suspense/Mystery Horror, Contemporary, Paranormal, Action/Adventure, Holiday, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (80 pages)
Other: M/F, Voyeurism
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Minerva Silence, TV psychic and fraud extraordinaire, can read them all. She’s not even aware that her gift is real until she’s confronted by the spirit of her late husband, and by the man who murdered him.

Bram would do anything to protect the woman he loves, even from beyond the grave. But he needs her passion, her body’s response to him, if he’s to manifest and help her to defeat the men who mean to kill her.

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The chemistry between Minerva and her deceased husband, Bram, is as strong now as it was on their honeymoon a decade ago. By far the best scenes in this novella explore how little has changed between these two over the years. After spending so much time together Minerva and Bram know exactly how to turn each other on. The results are electrifying.

It took me some time to understand the rules governing spirits in this universe. While I figured out what they are and are not capable of doing, it would have been helpful to have certain restrictions spelled out a little sooner in the plot. What seem like inconsistencies early on turn out to have good explanations, and had this not been the case this story would have easily earned a much high rating.

By the end of the first scene I was intrigued by the spooky, atmospheric plot. Ms. Loneson does a fantastic job at combining the horror and erotic themes in unexpected ways beginning with the reader’s first introduction to Minerva. I’m a fan of both genres but have never read a book quite like this one before, and I am planning to explore the rest of this author’s catalogue soon in the hope of finding more treasures like this one.

Haunt Me kept me guessing until the very end. This is a great choice for anyone in the mood for a spicy, paranormal mystery.

Samurai and Other Stories by William Meikle

Samurai and Other Stories by William Meikle
Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Historical, Paranormal, Contemporary, Holiday
Length: Short Story (132 pages)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Review by: Astilbe

In Samurai and Other Stories you’ll find numerous ghosts, many Scotsmen, a big blob, some holy relics, some unholy relics, a Mothman, a barbarian, some swordplay, a shoggoth and people that nobody expects.

This collection by William Meikle brings together stories from the past decade in an exploration of the perils of exploring dark places, both external and internal.

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Should everything that goes bump in the night be investigated? It’s much easier to ask this question in the middle of the afternoon than when you hear something bizarre in the inky darkness and know dawn is many hours away.

“The Yule Log” opens with John selecting the perfect log to burn in his fireplace. This isn’t any ordinary kindling, though, and I was mesmerized by what he decides to carve into it first and why he chose that particular motif. It was also interesting to see how John’s emotional state is communicated to the reader in a piece that includes almost no dialogue. This is a good Christmas story for readers who ordinarily find that genre too sentimental.

In “Inquisitor,” Father Fernando has been given the responsibility of interrogating a strange creature that has just sailed in from the New World. He steps into this role with only a handful of diary entries from the last man who encountered the creature to guide him. The concept is well thought out, but I would have liked to see more time spent on the climax of Father Fernando’s investigation. Certain aspects of the plot would have been much more frightening had they been given more time to develop before the end. There were several other tales in this book that followed a similar pattern. Each one starts off with an intriguing question or scenario, but much more time is spent hinting at what is actually going on than wrapping up the plot threads.

By far my favourite story in this collection is “The Haunting of Esther Cox.” Upon first glance Esther is no different than any other young woman living in a rural community in the late 1880s. She has an impeccable reputation and is surrounded by adoring family members. Yet she’s also carrying a terrible secret that threatens to destroy everything good in her life. Each diary entry provides another clue about what is really happening. In this case that particular writing style works extremely well because of how slowly certain facts wiggle to the surface of her mind. The descriptions of the strict social mores of her culture add an extra layer of horror to this tale, and the creative ways in which Esther responds to everything her community expects of someone her age and gender makes this a must-read.

This was my first introduction to Mr. Meikle’s work. If it is any indication of his writing style, I can’t wait to read more from him. He has a highly imaginative mind whose tendency to find the dark twist in even the most mundane circumstances is well-suited for both the horror and science fiction genres.

Samurai and Other Stories is a truly original collection of horror tales that are especially appropriate for longterm fans of this genre. It is as unique as it is deeply creepy, and I look forward to starting the whole thing over from the beginning.

The Loving Husband and the Faithful Wife by Kit Power

The Loving Husband and the Faithful Wife by Kit Power
Publisher: Black Beacon Books
Genre: Suspense/Mystery, Contemporary, Horror
Length: Short Story (35 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

The Loving Husband and the Faithful Wife

A cutesy tale of romance and domestic bliss? Step inside this suburban home to find out what happens when the couple decide to have an extension added. What could possibly go wrong?

The Debt
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Meet Del. Meet Tel. Two men from the wrong side of the tracks. Del stayed straight. Tel, well, he didn’t. Now Del is in debt up to his eyeballs, facing ruin. Only Tel can help. Will he though? And if he does, can Del afford the terms?

Two dark tales of fear, paranoia, and good intentions, set in situations where grey bleeds into black, and where there are no easy answers. Kit Power invites you to see the world through the eyes of the faces that pass you every day. Discover how it feels to really know someone.

Some decisions are easier to make than others. The trick is to figure out ahead of time exactly how far you’re willing to go to reach your goals.

This was my first introduction to this author’s work and it has whet my appetite for more. Mr. Power did quite well at introducing this reader to his characters through a series of subtle hints about their personalities that are sprinkled throughout fast-paced plots.

“The Loving Husband and the Faithful Wife” has a strong, intriguing premise, but I had trouble piecing together some of the clues the narrator provides about what is happening. A few of them seem to be mutually contradictory, and I would have preferred to see more time explaining how all of them fit together. I don’t know if the author intends to write a sequel to this tale, but I would be quite interested in reading one if it is ever published. There is still so much these characters haven’t revealed about themselves yet.

It took a few paragraphs for me to adjust to the Cockney dialect and nearly-constant swearing in “The Debt,” but Del’s predicament snagged my attention right away. At times it was a little difficult to believe he had grown up in such a rough neighbourhood due to how he reacts to certain things that are common in that sort of environment. Having an explanation for how this occurred would have resulted in a higher rating for this book. The pacing is strong, though, and Del’s journey is so compelling that I didn’t want to stop reading.

The Loving Husband and the Faithful Wife is a promising collection. I look forward to seeing what Mr. Power writes next, and I’d recommend these stories to anyone who is new to the mystery genre. Either tale is a good place to start.

Dollar Dreadful Vol. 1: A Tangle of Shadows by M.L. Hart

A Tangle of Shadows by M.L. Hart
Dollar Dreadful Vol. 1:
Publisher: 451 ePublishing Haus
Genre: Horror, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (64 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

1) Freak of Nurture

If, out of the blue, you were offered your deepest desire, would you immediately recognize it for what it was and seize hold of it before it slipped through your fingers forever? And could you even be honest about what that desire might truly be? Could you forsake your whole way of life, throw over your loved ones and life-long beliefs to pursue something utterly unknown? Would you fall prey to temptation, not knowing where it might lead, what its consequences might be? Or would you purse your lips, turn your face away from everything you’ve ever wanted and refuse it in the name of propriety? Would you really leave behind the daily grind, the mortgage and the marital bed for something so deep and secret you can barely admit it to yourself?

Christian Trent, weary and soul-sore on the commute home late at night, is confronted with this very proposition…

2) The Voice of Ignition
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Anton’s deadly obsession is fuelled by the voice of ignition that always insists, cultivating his urge to burn, prompting pyromania. The voice tells Anton that arson is his holy mission, that he’s destined to bring hell-fire to earth as the agent of fate, just and righteous. But despite his deep devotion to his fiery raison d’être, the voice is never satisfied. It whispers to him, ‘Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see them all burn?’ and Anton cannot help but agree. And so the voice’s incessancy drives him out on the prowl once again, cans of petrol in his car-boot and intent to commit arson in his heart…

3) A Tangle of Shadows

You are trying hard to recover from a devastating breakdown. Then, as if by chance, you meet the most lovely, glamorous woman you’ve ever encountered. She is extraordinarily beautiful and, consequently, far out of your league. So, it is entirely unexpected when she declares her desire for you, how her intention is to satisfy your every whim. And, astoundingly, she proceeds to do so, fulfilling all your needs with a style and nonchalance that captivates you. You are falling madly in love with her and she reciprocates, a new life of delight is unfolding before you like a map of paradise. Then, the rub. She tells you that she is in serious trouble, the kind of trouble that would only get worse if the police were called in. Without even realising it, you’ve been thoroughly enmeshed in a tangle of shadows and both your lives are at stake…

Sometimes thoughts are the scariest things of all.

There are traces of Edgar Allen Poe’s writing style in this collection. Mr. Hart knows exactly how to inject a dark ribbon of dread into what should be an completely ordinary sequence of events. His use of uncommon, slightly antiquated vocabulary and his ability to step into the mind of characters whose understanding of reality isn’t always analogous to how other people would interpret certain events also reminds me of Poe’s work. This is a particularly good book for readers new to the horror genre who aren’t necessarily familiar with all of the sub genres because so many of them are included in these tales.

“Freak of Nurture” caught my attention immediately. Mr. Hart’s description of what it feels like to live with anxiety is extremely accurate. Christian is not always an easy character to like due to how quickly he’s willing to stereotype and judge others, but seeing how his fears affect every aspect of his life gave me sympathy for his plight. There is quite a bit of telling instead of showing in this piece, though, and for that reason it is the weakest one in this book.

By far my favourite story is “The Voice of Ignition.” Anton is a chilling and nuanced antagonist who terrified me within a few paragraphs. Figuring out how he repeatedly eluded the authorities made it impossible for me to stop reading.The final scene alone would have made me give this tale a much higher rating if it had been released on its own.

Framing the plot as the content of a letter gave a unique perspective to “A Tangle of Shadows.” More than once I was convinced I understood what was happening only to be surprised by yet another plot twist. While I had some trouble figuring out the ending, the dialogue was so well-written that I enjoyed going back to determine what had actually happened.

Dollar Dreadful Vol. 1: A Tangle of Shadows is a frightening and thought-provoking collection of short stories that I would recommend to anyone who likes psychological horror.

The Tree Man by David Bernstein

The Tree Man by David Bernstein
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (88 pages)
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Can two kids alone stop a monstrous evil?

Women and children have been mysteriously disappearing from Evan’s town. And now Evan may know why. He was climbing a tree in the woods when he saw a decrepit old man toss a helpless woman into the mouth of a hideous tree-like creature.

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It’s easy to overlook something supernatural if it’s nestled into completely ordinary surroundings. No one takes a walk in the woods expecting to see anything other than trees, flowers, and the occasional animal. That is, until now.

Evan is a likeable and completely believable thirteen year old boy whose frightening experience in the woods one afternoon made me eager to follow him deeper into what is really happening in his community. Despite his young age this is definitely not a young adult novel. There are some truly disturbing scenes in this book, and while Evan’s response to them was well worth my time, the material is too dark for readers his age.

I was caught off guard by all but one of the plot twists in this novella. While the one I figured out was slightly too easy to anticipate in advance, it was exciting to be surprised by such an unexpected ending that fit into the themes and atmosphere of earlier scenes so well. This is a great choice for anyone who loves truly original science fiction.

The metaphors in this story are also quite memorable. My favourite one compares a certain character’s presence to a “cockroach creeping across a freshly made coconut cream pie.” The author saves his most vivid imagery for special occasions, but I eagerly anticipated discovering each new one as the plot progresses.

The Tree Man is a must-read for anyone who loves the horror or science fiction genres. Its exceptional storytelling is overshadowed only by the thrilling plot twists that made it impossible for me to put this book down.

Encounters by Stewart Felkel

Encounters by Stewart Felkel
Publisher: Self-published
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Horror, Contemporary, Historical
Length: Short Story (132 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Encounters is an anthology of eight short stories. Each individual story has been previously published on Amazon. They are collected here for the first time.


Retired, and recently widowed, FBI agent Tommy McCain moves to a small town in Louisiana in search of a missing friend. What he finds is a community of characters who are sometimes quirky and sometimes sinister. Every small town has its secrets, but this town harbors a much darker secret that confounds Tommy and might have already consumed his friend.

Vampires: A PSA

Hollywood and the media portray vampires as sexy and misunderstood. Our ancestors knew them for what they really are, brutal predators with not an ounce of humanity. What would the world be like today if vampires were reborn into it now? Vampires: A PSA is a 1,000 word short story. It is perfect for a coffee break read.

A Night Under the Stars

A nameless drifter on an unknown quest. A brutal murder stalking his prey. When they clash one night the question becomes, who is the real killer?


A sequel to A Night Under the Stars. Our drifter finds himself witnessing a brutal crime in a small Texas town. When a vicious biker gang, a nameless thing and a man with no compunctions clash who is the real monster?


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Hunting Trip

A man and his dog plan a hunting trip to what they think is a deserted island. What they find is a nightmare that could be hunting them.

Last One Leaves the Light Out

After years of searching the heavens an alien signal reaches Earth. But even if mankind can reach its source what mysteries lay in wait?

Storm Over San Juan

When I enlisted into the Rough Riders I never expected to die at San Juan Hill. I definitely never expected to be resurrected by a Hoodoo priest to fight an ancient evil storm goddess bent on destroying America. But here I am. Dead. But still fighting the good fight. Battling witches, storms, explosions and ancient gods. It’s a good thing I have a foul mouth and a sarcastic attitude to see me through. Hang on to your hat it’s gonna be a wild ride.

Featuring eight gorgeous color pictures and an interactive table of contents Encounters ranges from dark fantasy to science fiction. Inside this book you will find resurrected soldiers, ancient gods, brutal killers and alien worlds.

Sometimes the most frightening moments in life take place during what at first appears to be completely ordinary circumstances.

I highly recommend reading these stories in the order in which they appear in the book. Two of them are set in the same universe, and it’s much easier to understand what is going on in the second one if you’ve already read the first. They are also all arranged carefully by tone, length, and to some extent subject matter.

“A Night Under the Stars” send a shudder down my spine. The dark tones are emphasized by how little the reader learns about the narrator or the dangerous man who shows up on his doorstep. Normally I prefer to know more about a character’s backstory, but in this case the mystery of their identities feeds into the quickly escalating tension beautifully. The sequel to this piece, “Monsters,” revisits the narrator when he’s once again faced with a different kind of danger. Both of them work best if they’re read in order and back- to-back. This is a character who really needs to be the star of his own series of adventures his own series. The handful of information I gleaned about his personality makes me eager to hear more from him.

The first few scenes of “Offerings” are deceptively slow-paced. I did not realize it was nearly novella length when I started reading, so it was easy to overlook the subtle hints about what was actually going on because the pacing felt so uneven. This tale needs that extra time to sketch out the small town Tommy has recently moved to, though, and once the foundation is laid the rest of the plot unfolds rapidly. Ultimately the conclusion was well worth my initial confusion, but I would have liked to see a few more clues revealed a little earlier on to keep my interest in it as high as possible.

“Last One Leaves the Light Out” asks more questions than it answers. The premise is quite intriguing, and the haunting descriptions of an abandoned world will remain lodged in my memory for a long time. While this isn’t the type of short story that is necessarily meant to answer every question the reader has about what really happened, I would have like to see the characters uncover a few more clues. The final scene ends abruptly due to the nature of the information the protagonists are able to figure out.

Don’t skip the forewords that appear before each story. Mr. Felkel discusses how he came up with the idea for each one, and some of his sources of inspiration are quite unusual. While reading them isn’t strictly necessary in order to understand what’s happening, they do add depth the narrative and I found all of them to be well worth my time.

Encounters is a solid collection of stories that complement one another well. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read Mr. Felkel’s work yet. This is a very good introduction to an author I’m really looking forward to reading more from in the future.