Fairy by Shane McKenzie
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (55 pages)
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by ThistledownCecilia will do anything to have a baby. Anything.
Cecilia has tried everything to have the one thing she wants most—a baby. She’s been through every procedure, taken every medication. Nothing seems to work. Her body simply refuses to grow the life she so desperately yearns for. Her jealousy is making her lash out at the pregnant women around her. She’s starting to worry about her sanity.
But all is not lost. There is still one way. And Cecilia will do whatever it takes.
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Cecelia wants a baby but what is she willing to do to get one.
What are the things we covet the most? The things around us every day. Cecilia had it all. A marriage, a job she loved and a future. She is a doula, hired by families to assist in the birthing of their children, but with every child Cecilia helps into the world, the more she hates and resents what fate has handed her. Rage strums under her skin like a tangible force. When she snaps at clients, her boss calls her in for what Cecilia is sure is her last day on the job.
Only it isn’t. Judy, Cecilia’s boss has a few secrets of her own. When things continue to spiral downhill, July offers to tell her how to get a baby of her very own, but to do it will cost her more than she might be willing to pay.
This book was a quick read and I was immediately sucked into Cecilia’s emotional vortex. As a woman, I feel the lack of a child very profoundly sometimes. To be Cecilia and help with all of these births, knowing you will never have the thing you want most in the world is a soul crushing thing and even the best people have been known to be twisted in the face of something like that.
When Judy tells Cecilia about her own veritable deal with the devil, so to speak, Cecilia rejects her and walks away. But it niggles-those doubts and longings in the night and soon she finds out just what Judy was talking about.
I am now a complete and utter fan girl of Shane McKenzie and can’t wait to read more of his work. He captures the emotional essence of a woman at the edge of her rope and left you right there in the room as you watched the events unfold. Bravo on a tale well mastered and a blood curdling tale of motherhood gone horribly wrong.
Read this one with the lights on.