Daddy’s Sunshine by Olivia Joy

Daddy’s Sunshine by Olivia Joy
Publisher: Tygerseye Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Welcome to the AirB&D! We hope you enjoy your stay.

James Lawrey is a CEO with plenty of cred in corporate circles and plenty of cash to go with it. Privately, though, he’s learned the hard way that it might be impossible to find the one thing he can’t buy–a young man to look after who wants and needs a real Daddy, not just a sugar daddy.

Textile artist Rye Henry’s last relationship went up in flames when his ex told him it was time to grow up. Rye’s got a lucrative business of his own, so he needs a lover who isn’t going to try to change him, a Daddy who wants his true devotion.

Both men drop a pretty penny to experience a few days at the AirB&D, a swanky vacation home in Maine, for a fantasy that’s exactly what they’re looking for. Even if it only lasts one weekend.
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But could they get more than their money’s worth?

Of course. Just leave it to the matchmaker.

James and Rye have both paid a pretty penny for a weekend of their dreams at a very specific AirB&B, one that caters to certain men with a certain fantasy in mind. Will they find the weekend exactly to their taste, or will they both end up craving more?

This is a lovely short story that I was delightfully surprised by. While the concept isn’t particularly new I really enjoyed the small differences that made this thoroughly modern and the snippets of hints we learn about the two matchmakers running the AirB&B itself. Most importantly though I adored the two main characters – James and Rye – and found they both exceeded my expectations.

I’ve not been particularly drawn to the recent influx of “daddy kink” style of stories. While I don’t mind the trope itself it doesn’t really fully resonate with me so I was a little hesitant to read another story with that as a strong aspect to it. I’m glad that I allowed myself to be swayed into giving this story a whirl though as while the kink was certainly present, I found it didn’t overwhelm the story and both James and Rye’s personalities and characters shone through.

I felt the author did a good job balancing between the romance and the erotic aspects of this story. I thought the connection and blossoming love between James and Rye was well handled and while they only had a weekend to forge a bond together, I found it largely believable and the two characters very well suited. There is some very mild BDSM (a very small bit of kink and spanking) but for the most part I feel readers who don’t usually enjoy those elements shouldn’t be too put off by it.

Fun and short this was a lovely, erotic short story that I quite enjoyed.

Ranch Manny by BA Tortuga

Ranch Manny by BA Tortuga
Publisher: Turtlehat Creatives
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Trace is down on his luck, out of his teaching job, and on the road with his young daughter Susannah. Just as he’s contemplating tucking his proverbial tail between his legs and heading back to his ex or his parents to ask for help, a job opportunity falls into his lap. What he’s not sure about is working for a handsome cowboy. On a ranch. In the middle of nowhere.

Cowboy Brent has a ranch to run. three kids he inherited when his cousin passed away, and an elderly ranch hand with Alzheimer’s to care for. He needs help, stat, and when Trace falls shows up at the local diner, Brent doesn’t hesitate, even though he knows people might question Trace’s rainbow dreads and piercings.
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As Trace struggles to fit in and do his ranch manny job, and Brent tries to make time to breathe, the two of them find common ground and gradually a burning heat for each other. But can they make a real home together, or will everything fall apart as they both try to keep up with all their responsibilities, and face a life or death situation for all of them?

I really enjoyed this full-length romance. Readers looking for a long, slow drop from strangers to friends to family to lovers should find this a delicious and well paced romance. I really enjoyed both Trace and Brent’s characters, finding them well written, realistic and best of all not perfect. Brent has a very slight temper when things get frayed and he can snap (like everyone alive I know) and isn’t afraid to own up to it and apologise quickly and honestly. I was particularly pleased that while the chemistry and attraction between the two men was present pretty much from their first meeting the pace of the story really gave them a lot of time to setting into a routine first, get to know each other and find their rhythm before they (much later into the book) acted on their feelings. No insta-lust here and no jumping into bed the moment the kids went to sleep. It was really clear the kids and their slowly meshing family was front and center and the main focus of both men. I really liked that.

There is also an excellent cast of very strongly written secondary characters, from Curly and the other ranch hands to a few other members of the small country town this book was full of lovely characters and wasn’t simply focused on Trace, Brent and their kids. That helped give the story as a whole a really well rounded feel to me and made it seem so much richer and deeper than just two men struggling against the odds and finding love.

While certainly a cowboy story I found this to be strongly emotional and in its own cowboy way really romantic. Readers who enjoy a small-town feel and slower paced, more deeply written romances should definitely give this a try. I’ve not read a lot by this author but I was really impressed and found the story gripping and really emotional and addictive. I definitely plan to look at her other titles and cherry pick a few more for my to-read pile.

Romantic, well paced and with vivid and the style of characters that stick with you, this realistic and really loving story was an excellent find and a story I’m sure I’ll read again in the future.

Luminous Dreams by Alexa Piper

Luminous Dreams by Alexa Piper
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

When desire and lust combine in the dark imagination of the sleeping mind, the results burn hot as phoenix fire and take us on a journey to meet two lovers who are anything but human. We may find ourselves deep in the woods where dryads have been waiting to offer seduction under the cover of leaves, or we may find a candy trail we simply have to follow.
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These are nine stories of magic and magical things, of shapeshifters and fortune-tellers, of witches and their charms. Two women fall for one another even as two handsome vampires decide to share the woman they both claim, and a muse strikes inspiration in a dancer. Myth and dream meet love and lust in this collection of nine sensual stories which explore different worlds, different characters, and different constellation of lovers. Each story is a journey worth taking.

Dreams, both waking and asleep, can be powerful things. And Luminous Dreams gives you nine different stories of paranormal, myth, and fairy tales – ranging from Aurora, to Styx, to Hansel and Gretel. They also range from threesomes to FF or MM action.

Each story is different and erotic, so if that’s what you’re after, then you won’t be disappointed. For myself, although I enjoyed them, I wanted more. The line between reality and the dreamworld was blurred in some of the stories, intentionally, I think!

All in all, this was a different book that I enjoyed, and it gave me a sample of Alexa Piper’s writing style. If you like erotic fairy tales, then maybe you should give this one a chance!

That Ass Is Mine by Sam Crescent

That Ass Is Mine by Sam Crescent
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Talia Clarke has the biggest crush on her boss. He’s much older than her, an ex-biker, and owns the strip club where she works. As a virgin, she doesn’t exactly know how to approach him.

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But what will happen when she falls pregnant? Sarge didn’t promise her forever. Will he put his rules aside and let himself love, or will he turn his back on her and his unborn child?

Sarge had been waiting four years. Four very long, excruciating years. Talia had come to him pleading for a job as a waitress at eighteen and even though he burned for her, Sarge hadn’t wanted to take advantage. But Talia is all grown up now and when she lets Sarge know she wants him as much as he wants her all bets are off.

I enjoyed this super steamy romance novel. Short and sweet I enjoyed the fact that Talia and Sarge had known each other – and trusted each other – for quite some time. It let me relax a bit when they hit the sheets very early on in the story and made the intensity of their lust for each other a lot more believable to me. Readers looking for an intense or complicated plot likely won’t find this story suits their needs. Steamy and full of hot bedroom action and plenty of anal play this book has an intense and explicit romance played out between Talia and Sarge as they both finally admit their attraction and act upon it.

With a lovely happy ending and a bunch of smoking hot sex this is a great, quick read I feel most erotica readers should enjoy.

Dichotomy by Elyzabeth M. VaLey

Dichotomy by Elyzabeth M. VaLey
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ, Paranormal
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Iris is not a usual tiger shifter. Yes, she’s independent, headstrong and dominant, but in the right hands, she’s also submissive and eager to please. The issue has always been finding someone who accepts both sides of her nature and doesn’t try to change her.

Riker and Jared have been mates for almost a decade, but they always knew they were missing a third in their relationship. When they meet Iris, they’re elated. Finally, they’ll be whole. However, they quickly realize the tiger shifter is not what she first seems and bringing the three of them together for good might not be as easy as they initially thought.

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I really enjoyed the different dynamic this story offered. While erotic threesome/ménage stories are pretty common nowadays, and shifter romances aren’t very new either, I haven’t read many ménage plotlines where one of the threesome is a proper switch. I felt that, coupled with the MMF relationship makeup – and the fact the two men were already in a long-standing, stable and BDSM style of relationship – this really helped make this story seem fresher and somewhat new to me.

I was somewhat nervous and how Iris would fit in with the dynamic already long-held and working well between Riker and Jared, but the author did a really good job handling that I felt. Jared was certainly submissive, but he wasn’t shy or uncommunicative on his feeling nor his thoughts. I definitely felt this helped ease some of the transition and smoothed some of the bumps those initial few conversations could have had between Riker and Iris. Jared was an excellent sounding board for both of them and I feel his character really was in many ways the glue that helped form their bond and keep any assumptions or miscommunications get out of control.

The three of them all had to walk a careful line to begin with and I thought this was handled quite well and somewhat believably. A part of me feels Iris in particular came around just a little too quickly, much of the start of the story was filled with her resisting and convincing herself that she could never really submit even though she wanted to, so to have her give in and be comfortable and happy after only a few meetings and discussions just felt a little too simple. The short length of the story though and the fact a part of her wanted to submit helped make this a little more believable but I’m not sure all readers will feel this way. The sex was deliciously hot and should really satisfy most erotica readers with a bit of BDSM heat but nothing too over the top.

Sexy and fun this short story is a great shifter, ménage, BDSM story I feel many readers should enjoy.

To Light a Fire by Kristian Parker

To Light a Fire by Kristian Parker
Publisher: Totally Entwined
Genre: Historical, LGBTQ, Romance
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

Frank never thought he would find love…until he met his friend’s servant.

It’s 1922 and Frank Harris has finished his exams at Cambridge. He had planned on going home to his parents’ Midlands shop until his friend Charlie Fitzwilliam issues a surprise invitation to stay at his family’s stately home.

Frank has nursed a secret attraction to Charlie since their first meeting and can’t resist a chance to spend time with him, but once there, it’s Tanner, a manservant, with whom he instantly falls in lust.

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To Frank’s astonishment, Tanner is attracted to him too, and their mutual passion kindles, then burns strong. Only, their feelings must remain a secret—discovery would mean the ruin of them both.

But how long can love that blazes this bright be hidden?

In a time when being gay was illegal, Frank has to hide his affection for his University friend. However, when he spends some time with Charlie at his home, it’s the Under Valet who lights a fire in Frank.

This is a gentle start to a series that gives you a couple of steamy moments, but nothing too shocking. My heart broke for Frank when Charlie kept pushing Annie onto him, and I completely agree with Frank that at least he was admitting who he was, rather than hiding behind a woman’s skirts. Frank kept telling me that Charlie was different, but I only saw occasional glimpses of that.

I would have preferred this to be longer – a full-length novel rather than a novella – but still, it gave me the full story. I just would have wished for more information on Tanner and Frank, both their pasts and their future.

A thoroughly enjoyable book that starts off a series I want to continue. Definitely recommended by me!

The Hunter’s Heart by Astrid Sharpe

The Hunter’s Heart by Astrid Sharpe
Publisher: Totally Entwined
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

I thought my job sucked. But I’m about to be sold as a breeder to a seven-foot panther-man, so things can get worse…much worse.

Zensah is the reluctant leader of his almost extinct tribe. He’d thought he was paying passage for willing settlers not abducted females. If only he’d trusted his instincts and refused the trade. But then he would never have met Poppy, the brave human leader whose beautiful eyes burn with courage and defiance. She’s the only female he’s ever yearned to claim as his mate. But will she ever accept him?

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If you’re having a bad day then just consider how worse it could be. You could be minding your own business before being abducted by toads, to be sold to panthers. This is what happens to Poppy and the others in the first book in the Love After Earth series.

Zensah is the reluctant leader of Relicai and thought he was getting willing women who wanted to settle on their world, not abductees. Fortunately, our panthers are completely honourable, or at least, Zensah is. I’m not sure about the others, but I can’t wait to find out!

The relationship between Zensah and Poppy is a slow-burn, focusing more on Poppy’s growth as she learns how to survive in the sometimes harsh world of the Relicai. Without meaning to, Poppy has become the leader of the group of women, and she wants to be there on equal terms.

I loved the stories behind the crystals and the colours, and hopefully, I will learn more as the series continues. The world-building is exceptional, and I laughed aloud at the reference to AntMan!

All in all, this was a brilliant Sci-Fi read that kept me engrossed from start to finish, and has left me wanting more. A wonderful start to the series, and I can’t wait to continue with it. Absolutely recommended by me.

Running Mate by Sarah Barimen

Running Mate by Sarah Barimen
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Paranormal
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

And even such products like Rogaine, that are meant for both men and women, can adverse side effects and make the hair become dependent on the minoxidil so much that if the treatment is stopped, the hair will go back to abnormal pattern of growth or lack thereof The hairs on the top while having sex is perhaps one to avoid as it’s hard for her. viagra sample free In other words, it is generico cialis on line not a medicine but this medicine is available in the form of herbal pills, which are completely safe, and it is mainly considered as the ultimate source of vitality and regaining vigor. Some of the problems that Calgary Hypnotherapist training can help with include levitra 20 mg eating disorders, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, Schizophrenia, Insomnia, dementia. The capsules contain a unique formulation cialis tablets for sale of ingredients. Neola is never quite sure who her lover will be the next time she sees him, but she always knows the sex will sizzle — whether he’s man or wolf! In the three years they’ve been together, she’s gone from being afraid of predators to being the beloved prey of one very special hunter with a penchant for abducting her during her jogs in the park. She never knows when or where he’ll pounce! Will he stay with her when his disguise starts to fall apart, or will he leave her and seek a new hunting ground?

This is a super short story that I found fun and hot. Told in the first-person perspective by Neola, her sexy friends-with-benefits style relationship with Kalen while she goes running in the park each night is steaming hot from the first few pages. Simple but compelling this is one of those rare books where I found myself with still a few questions at the end of the book but not minding that the whole story wasn’t clearly laid out and each dangling thread tied away.

While Kalen is a wolf-shifter he appears to be more than that, able to take on many different human faces. What, exactly, Kalen is doesn’t get fully resolved but I found that the intensity of this ultra-short story made up for the fact we never really have that explained.

I adored Neola’s character and the strength she showed when the precarious balance she and Kalen had found in their relationship together was threatened. I felt this quick story had an excellent resolution and, while there isn’t really very much plot to it, I found this fast story satisfying and enjoyable to read. I’d definitely try more by this new-to-me author.

The Spider And The Hawk by Ella Grey

The Spider And The Hawk by Ella Grey
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Paranormal
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Ava’s life has always been difficult. Most of her kind, the spider shifters, were culled when she was a child. She grew up in foster care and had to work extra hard to get the job as Medical Examiner for Grenfell. Nobody trusts spiders. Now a body has turned up, filled with a toxin not on their system. Someone’s trying to frame her for murder, but who?

Agent Theodore ‘Theo’ Ross never thought he would see Ava St Clair again. His first love. The one he never got over. Now he needs to figure out if she’s capable of murder.
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The tension is high. The long-denied need is palpable. They’re on borrowed time because the killer has Ava in their sights, and it could be anyone.

Hawk-shifter and Supernatural Police Force member, Theo, worked with a small team of shifters specifically tasked with helping to keep the paranormal world a secret from humans. As the team’s newbie Theo had been lumped mainly with paperwork since he joined up and so he’s itching to get out into the field and doing some real work. When a poisoning case hits the morgue, Theo’s ex-girlfriend – a spider-shifter – is under suspicion so even though he’s been hungering for a case of his own, Theo isn’t sure this is quite how he wanted to begin his new career. The fact the flames still burn brightly between Theo and Ava doesn’t make it easier on either of them.

I really enjoyed this paranormal mystery. I feel the history between Ava and Theo helped sell me a lot on the speed of their reconnecting, plus I just enjoyed how they both seemed to have fond – and maybe even slightly wistful – memories of each other. There wasn’t too much baggage or hurt feelings to overcome between them and that really helped clear the plot and resurgence of their relationship to me. There was plenty of conflict and tension in the plot with the murder mystery and trying to work out who wanted to set Ava up for a murder she didn’t commit, I didn’t feel there needed to be any conflict or baggage bleeding over from this into Ava and Theo reconnecting so I was really pleased with how the author handled this.

I admit I found Ava and Theo’s shifter aspects a bit of a stretch for my mind in the beginning. I don’t believe I’ve ever read a spider-shifter story before (romantic or not) and I know I’ve only read one or two hawk shifter stories in the past, they’re both pretty uncommon and it took me a little while to get into the groove of them. That said, once I did wrap my mind around it, I found the whole paranormal world and the experiences of Ava and Theo in particular to be really refreshing and a lovely, unique set of examples. In many ways the whole paranormal genre has come close (for me, personally) to reaching saturation point. So many plots and pairings and situations just feel so well-worn it’s hard sometimes to read “yet another hunt-the-killer-shifter” style of story, but having fun and relatable characters as well as such different shifter types really helped freshen this up for me and I really enjoyed it once I got into the swing of things.

With an intense and really enjoyable plot and a lovely steamy romance this is a great, quick read and an author I really enjoyed. I’ll be checking more stories in this series out. Recommended.

The Ruins by Torri Heat

The Ruins by Torri Heat
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Paranormal
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Joelle’s a mess. Nightmares about the end of the world keep her up at night, and lack of sleep has her losing job after job.

The only consistency to these dreams is the man she calls “The Watcher.” After another night of frustration, The Watcher arrives at her door, in the flesh. Luc, a demon Mare, is the source of all her problems.

Could he also be her salvation?

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I found this to be an interesting and fresh paranormal story. While the romance and blossoming lust between Luc and Joelle felt a little fast for me personally, this disappointment was more than made up for with the plotline itself which I found to be refreshingly different and full of good imagination. Luc is known as a Mare – a sub-set of demon who sends and controls nightmares. I found this and the plotline surrounding Joelle and her long-standing nightmares of the world literally burning around her and herself unable to help anyone really different and interesting.

I feel readers who enjoy paranormal-based stories, especially erotic and explicit ones, should find this a lovely breath of fresh air. While I felt the relationship growing between Joelle and Luc started out a little predictably around the half-way mark of the story there was a lovely twist which I feel really helped pick up the pace of the story – and Luc and Joelle’s relationship in particular.

There were quite a few balls up in the air plot-wise for the author to juggle and a part of me felt with the short length of the story and the different plots winding together this detracted time and space for the romance between Luc and Joelle. I also was a little conflicted in that Luc walked a pretty fine line between being a bad-boy or anti-hero style of character, and being something not actually really a hero at all. I found his feelings and attachment to Joelle believable, but when we discover some of the stuff he’s done in the past I had trouble with balancing his real nature as a demon and his actions in not caring about taking advantage and seriously mentally damaging vulnerable strangers. While I feel it’s crazy to expect a demon to be full of glitter and rainbows, I’m also not sure I’m comfortable reading about our “hero” victimizing strangers who aren’t able to defend or protect themselves. It was hard for me to push that aside and try to see Luc as a hero after that.

The second half of the story moved at a lovely fast pace – the plot and the romance really amped up and I feel if readers stick with the story until this stage they should definitely find both the plot and the relationship growing between Luc and Joelle really satisfying.

A little bit darker and edgier than the usual erotic romance stories I read, with a vivid paranormal world and some really refreshingly different aspects to the plot, this is a good story in a number of ways with a few flaws as well. I feel lots of readers should really enjoy it and particularly those looking for a fresh take on demon-based romance stories.