With The Boys in the Band by Marie Medina


With The Boys in the Band by Marie Medina
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (74 pgs)
Other: M/F, M/F/M, F/M/M, Ménage, Anal Play
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Clover

Working as an assistant for the metal band Serration is Alicia’s dream gig—a far cry from the cubicle she abandoned at her old job. She promised herself she wouldn’t become starstruck, but the band’s frontman, Vince, proves very hard to ignore. She manages to resist him on a daily basis, but soon she finds herself thinking about the keyboardist, Emerson, all the time.

The two men’s closeness confuses her a little, and Vince’s promiscuous reputation makes her wary, but when Emerson invites her to Vince’s summer house for a week-long getaway, she jumps at the chance. A single day in such close quarters convinces Alicia of one thing: these two men want each other as much as they want her. Will they only see each other as rivals, or will they give in and let her lure them both to her bed and her very willing arms?

When a dream job becomes so much more, how can a girl refuse?

Alicia is working with top band Serraton and loving every minute of it. The guys are flirty and great to hang out with. But when she finds out Emerson isn’t gay a whole new set of feelings burst forth.  Now their friendship can move further than she ever dared hope. Add in the fact that sexy Vince is behaving oddly, in good and bad ways, and life is just about to get complicated and oh, so sexy.

With the Boys in the Band is a nicely written ménage paranormal tale. I enjoyed it from start to finish. The fact the boys were in a band was a bit of a secondary feature to the story and a bit more could have been made of it if the author wanted to elaborate on the super-star status. The leading lady Alicia was a great character and I warmed to her. She was a good listener and gave sensible advice to Emerson and Vince when they had to face up to the attraction they’d felt for one another for years but been denying.

I was a little surprised by the twist in the tale concerning Alicia but it did draw her and Vince together nicely, in fact so nicely again I would have liked a little more of that side of the story too.

Emerson was sensitive and sweet, Vince was a bit more rough around the edges, a bit moodier, and I liked that. The other members of the band were secondary characters but worked well in the plot line.

The sex was hot, whether it was m/f or m/f/m. The author writes it well, though there was one occasion I had to back up a page and check the choreography. Double penetration was happening but her butt hadn’t been mentioned. Once I figured it out though, I was good to go. Again the story could have expanded on the two guys hooking up for the first time. There is some m/m action but it’s not their first time. That is alluded to in a couple of sentence, and I’m greedy, I wanted to be a fly on the wall, seeing that, being there! But I guess that just shows that With the Boys in the Band is a good story with characters that sucked me and I wanted more, more, more.

If you enjoy ménage, sexy shifters and rock and roll this could well be right up your street – enjoy.

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