When Glitter Met Glue by Karen Kilpatrick

When Glitter Met Glue by Karen Kilpatrick
When Pencil Met Eraser
Illustrator: German Blanco
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Genre: Contemporary, Children’s (0 – 6 y.o.)
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Glue loves making art with her friends―especially pasting on googly eyes!―but sometimes she feels invisible. Instead of always being stuck in the background, Glue wants to be noticed like Pencil and colorful like the Markers! How can she find a way to stand out?

When a new friend named Glitter arrives in a swirl of sparkles, Glue and Glitter team up to make something completely original and help Glue shine like the star she truly is.

Karen Kilpatrick & Germán Blanco’s When Glitter Met Glue spotlights art’s unsung hero―a glue bottle―in a hilarious and clever story that encourages self-acceptance and spurs us all to recognize our inner shimmer. A perfect gift for teachers and the first day of school.

I am a nanny of a six-year-old girl going into first grade. This book was chosen for our summer reading program from the books listed is, When Glitter Met Glue: (When Pencil Met Eraser) by Karen Kilpatrick.

We loved this book all fifty times that we read it. Full disclosure, when I’m asked to read a book more than once, that speaks volumes. I must say that this story was quite clever. I would have never thought to give children art mediums friendly personas. However, that is just what Karen Kilpatrick did and my six-year-old student absolutely loved it.

Imagine, glue has feelings that we as humans can relate to. It’s true. Glue sometimes feels invisible! Glue wants to be noticed like the pencil or colorful markers. Glue meets a new friend, Glitter, and that is when the story really comes to life. We all want to be noticed by others for one reason or another. We are all special in our own unique ways and sometimes we just need to let our light shine. Sometimes it takes a friend to show us our true colors. This story reminds me of the song by Cyndi Lauper, True Colors. Her song was about looking below the surface to see what a person is really like.

When glue dries it disappears. However, when mixed with Glitter, we can really see Glue’s inner sparkle shine. I’ve read years ago that grandmothers are the glue in the family. This story really hit home with me regarding the importance of Glue and how it’s just taken for granted.

We borrowed this story from the library, but I am contemplating buying it and putting it in our book library. It’s that good! Happy reading summer 2023!

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