Too Hip For Love by Sindra Van Yssel
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (102 pages)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, F/F, Multiple Partners, Anal Play, Toys, Spanking, Voyeurism
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by LisianthusFor years Karen has gone to Parker’s home every Saturday afternoon to be tied up, spanked, and aroused by the masterful Dom. She loves being his toy, but it’s all just play. While Parker loves to play with her body and her mind, he’s too good a man to play with her heart. And getting too wrapped up in one person would make it harder to have fun kinky times with others. But now Karen wants something more than a reliable top. She wants love, like her friends Craig and Alicia have, and a future with someone, even if she has to give up kink to get it.
Parker can see Karen drifting away from him. He knows she’s searching for something he’s not providing. For years Karen has been his rock – way more than a plaything. He wants what’s best for her, and if that’s not him, he has to accept it – unless he can change her mind, or they can change together.
Karen and Parker have a once weekly arrangement where they get together and she submits to him, but nothing exclusive or permanent. Only Karen seems ready to settle down, and finds herself jealous of Parker with other women, and Parker doesn’t really want to see her dating anyone else.
This is an interesting dynamic for a romance, they are already sexually intimate, and in some ways emotionally intimate, but they aren’t exclusive and neither is ready to admit that they have already found the perfect relationship in each other.
It was refreshing to see these two work for their relationship, they didn’t just meet and fall in love, they had to work on building a real relationship, and I rooted for them. I do admit the injury to get her into his house seemed a bit contrived, but it still worked to force them to face their relationship fears.
I loved all the sexual scenes, they were well plotted and very steamy. I definitely enjoyed the inventive scenes and Ms. Yssel seems to have done a lot of research into the BDSM lifestyle. There is one scene early on where Karen is tied up and multiple people, both female and male help with the scene and Karen purposely asks to not know who was involved.
I highly recommend this story and it was a great way to pass an afternoon.
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