The Swan’s Road by Garth Pettersen

The Swan’s Road by Garth Pettersen
Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (249 pgs)
Rated: 5 stars
Review by Rose

In the eleventh century, Cnute, the Viking king of England and Scandinavia, sails with his son Harald, and his shield brothers to Rome.

Thrown off course by a storm, they follow the route up the Rhine.

When Harald hangs back to assist Selia, a beautiful Frisian woman, his path turns perilous. New found enemies, retainers of Robert the Devil, Duke of Normandy, pursue them. Harald, Selia, and their companions fail to rendezvous with King Cnute and are forced to travel cross country on horseback. If Duke Robert’s plan to assassinate Cnute succeeds, an invasion of England will follow. Can Harald and Selia reach Rome in time to warn the king?

I really enjoyed this look into a part of history I’m not very familiar with. I think, though, that after reading this story, I’ll be searching for more to read – and I will especially be looking for the rest of the books of this series.

I loved the characters – not only the primaries, but also the secondaries…the men who rode with Harald, and would like to know more about them. I’m hoping they will also be included in the rest of the books.

Harald grew up in a lot of ways on this journey he takes. He goes from a wayward boy whose father is sure needs help just to get back to the ship without getting into trouble, to a man worthy of being a king’s son.

And Selia….I loved her from the first. She’s not perfect, but she is the perfect foil for Harald. She also grows into the woman she needs to be to face the future.

There’s nonstop adventure and some moments I really wasn’t sure things were going to work out…it was certainly page turning! I give this a highly deserved five stars!


  1. Great review

    • Thank you for commenting, Edgar. It is a good review. Edgar is a good Anglo-Saxon name. One of my favourite things is researching and choosing ethnic names of the period for my characters. You’d fit right in. I hope you’ll read The Swan’s Road and the other books in the series. Cheers,
      Garth Pettersen

  2. Sounds like a good read.

    • I have tried to keep the story fairly fast-paced and to give the female characters their share of the action. It’s part adventure, part romance, with some humor to make it a fun ride. Hope you read The Swan’s Road, Rita, and the other books in the series. I appreciate your comment. Cheers,
      Garth Pettersen

  3. Thank you for the great review. All the best

  4. Bernie Wallace says

    How long did it take you to write your book?

    • Thanks for asking, Bernie. Over six months, probably well over. I had a New York agent interested. She asked how fast can I finish it. I was highly motivated, finished it, and sent it off, but she never picked it up. Fortunately, Tirgearr Publishing did. I hope you read and enjoy the series. Cheers

  5. This sounds like an excellent read. Cool cover!

  6. Thank you, folks at Long and Short Reviews for hosting this stop on The Swan’s Road book tour. I really like your blog site. Hope to visit again with the next book in the series. All the best,
    Garth Pettersen

  7. Bernard Wallace says

    Your book sounds interesting. I hope that it is a success,

  8. Bernard Wallace says

    When did you know that you wanted to be a writer?

    • I won an essay contest when I was eleven. The prize was $100. Big money back then. I loved the winning and the attention and I liked writing. I knew then I wanted to be a writer. Always kept my hand in, writing in some form. It was only when I retired from teaching, that I got the time to do some serious writing. I learned very soon that there was more to writing than storytelling–there’s a craft to it. I’m still learning.

      Check out the cover of the new book:


  1. […] Once again, Garth Pettersen has wowed me. I somehow missed the second book in the series (though I have already bought it and can hardly wait to dive into it), but I still enjoyed this book just as much as I did the first book. […]

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