The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren

The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren
Publisher: Gallery Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Larkspur

Single mom Jessica Davis is a data and statistics wizard, but no amount of number crunching can convince her to step back into the dating world. Raised by her grandparents—who now help raise her seven-year-old daughter, Juno—Jess has been left behind too often to feel comfortable letting anyone in. After all, her father was never around, her hard-partying mother disappeared when she was six, and her ex decided he wasn’t “father material” before Juno was even born. Jess holds her loved ones close, but working constantly to stay afloat is hard…and lonely.

But then Jess hears about GeneticAlly, a buzzy new DNA-based matchmaking company that’s predicted to change dating forever. Finding a soulmate through DNA? The reliability of numbers: This Jess understands.

At least she thought she did, until her test shows an unheard-of 98 percent compatibility with another subject in the database: one of GeneticAlly’s founders, Dr. River Peña. This is one number she can’t wrap her head around, because she already knows Dr. Peña. The stuck-up, stubborn man is without a doubt not her soulmate. But GeneticAlly has a proposition: Get to know him and we’ll pay you. Jess—who is barely making ends meet—is in no position to turn it down, despite her skepticism about the project and her dislike for River. As the pair are dragged from one event to the next as the “Diamond Match” that could launch GeneticAlly’s valuation sky-high, Jess begins to realize that there might be more to the scientist—and the science behind a soulmate—than she thought.

Funny, warm, and full of heart, The Soulmate Equation proves that the delicate balance between fate and choice can never be calculated.

What if the person you are destined to be with dislikes you? Dr. River Pena is developing a potentially multimillion dating app and he is surprised when he matches with Jessica, a woman who wants nothing to do with him.

I loved the The Soulmate Equation, it is a delightful surprise. It is an intoxicating, sweet and funny story filled with tender looks and two science geeks who like working with numbers more than people.

River and Jessica are very smart and they appear confident but are vulnerable and often uncomfortable around people and social situations. They are perfect for each other, but it takes them a while to figure it out. I liked everything about this slow burn story filled with scorching looks and captivating characters.

River is a rigid, uptight, perfectionist who doesn’t have time to date. At first, he seems arrogant, but as the story unfolds it is easy to see, he is a nice guy who is distracted and in his head a lot. River has been working on a dating app for years and is excited that it will finally be ready for the open market and that is all he can think about, until he meets Jessica.

Jessica’s life is the exact opposite from River’s. She is a freelance statistician and a single mother trying her best to do it all. She is so busy, she never has a moment to indulge herself and she certainly doesn’t have time to date.

I adored the characters in this story. Both River and Jess stole my heart; they are nerds and perfect for each other, even though they find each other in an unconventional way. Their story is uplifting and I wanted River and Jessica to get the HEA they deserve. I think the writing in The Soulmate Equation is flawless and the plot is refreshing. This feel good story has some entertaining secondary characters which add to the story. I wholeheartedly endorse The Soulmate Equation.

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