The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland by Robert Adams

The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland by Robert Adams
Castaways in Time #2
Publisher: Mundania Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (205 pgs)
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

TIME TRAP! Drawn through a hole in time and space, twentieth-century American Bass Foster finds himself hailed as a noble warrior and chosen to command–first on land and then at sea–the armies fighting to preserve King Arthur III and his realm against the Church-led forces determined to place Arthur’s nephew on the throne of England. But Bass is not the only traveler in time. And though the mysterious force which has exiled him to this land of knights in shining armor has brought other unexpected comrades-in-arms, it has also opened a gateway to a far future time and place. And suddenly Bass, Arthur and their allies must face the menace of an unknown but deadly enemy seeking not only to overthrow Arthur’s kingdom but to conquer and enslave their whole world.

Bass is now a powerful and wealthy noble, but can he shoulder the responsibility that comes with it?

Bass has risen through the ranks of Arthur’s army very quickly. Before he knows it, he’s a titled noble with hundreds of men devoted men under his command. Bass’ fame as a warrior is well known, but Bass is growing weary of a life on the road completing mission after dangerous mission. All he wants to do now is retire to a quiet place and live out life with his wife Krystal and his young son. Unfortunately, King Arthur III has come to depend on Bass, and retirement doesn’t see likely any time soon. Even worse, an enemy from Bass’s past is lurking in the shadows, hungry for revenge.

First of all, anyone wanting to enjoy this book absolutely must read the first book in the series, Castaways in Time. Mr. Adams packs his stories with detailed descriptions of people, places, and events that are all connected in some way. This story is no exception. In fact, in order to keep everything clear in my mind, I began reading The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland as soon as I finished the previous book.

I grew to like Bass very much in the first book, so I was excited to see what he was up to in this tale. I am pleased to note that Mr. Adams provides much more insight into Bass’ personal thoughts and feelings in this book then in the previous. In the first book, Bass didn’t seem quite human at times because he adapted so quickly to the new world. However, I can now see that the endless battles are taking a toll on him. The violence of the culture Bass is now immersed in his starting to trouble him, but there doesn’t seem to be a way out. Bass and Krystal always seem to get into a fight on the rare occasions that they see each other. Also, because Bass has spent so much time away, his own son barely knows him. I sympathized with Bass as he tried to figure out a way to make everyone happy, but when he answers directly to a king, he doesn’t have many options. Bass and Krystal are one of the few things that really grounds Mr. Adams’ stories, so I truly hope they are able to work things out.

As with the first book, I must again note that this is not a book to race through. Mr. Adams frequently goes into lengthy descriptions of people, places and events that, at the time, don’t seem to be important. However, rest assured that Mr. Adams manages to tie it all together very nicely eventually.

Mr. Adams also drops a few more hints about the power behind time travel. Some loose ends from the previous story were tied up, but Bass and the people of this world are definitely not safe from whoever is wielding time projectors. One of the things I found most interesting was the reappearance of a nefarious time traveler I had thought was gone for good. I don’t think that many people consider this man a threat, but I have a feeling it would be very dangerous to underestimate him.

I enjoyed reading The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland. Mr. Adams expertly concluded this installment of the series in a satisfying way yet managed to raise more questions that will have me picking up the next book immediately.

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