The Perfect Curiosity by Homer Eon Flint

The Perfect Curiosity by Homer Eon Flint
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Horror, Historical
Length: Short Story (13 pages)
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Truly heartless? Is it possible?

Dr. Childers is one of the world’s finest surgeons. His hands never tremble and if the operation is particularly delicate, he can quiet his own heartbeat to further steady them.But brilliant as he is, he has never known love. Women are unimportant.Relationships don’t exist beyond the hospital walls. Is there something wrong with his heart? Some abnormality?

There’s only one way to learn the answer—with a knife.

Have you ever wondered if you were normal? Dr. Childers has been quietly comparing himself to others for many years, and he can not longer ignore the sinking feeling that he isn’t like everyone else.

There is something quietly unnerving about Dr. Childers’ ability to control his circulatory system to such a precise degree. While he’s the kind of doctor I would have wanted to operate on me if I lived a hundred years ago, his bedside manner leaves much to be desired. There is an eerie coolness to his personality that makes otherwise benign conversations in this tale send a flood of goosebumps up my arm.

The ending was chilling but abrupt. I would have preferred to see the final scene expanded in order to explain what was happening in more detail. The consequences of a decision Dr. Childers makes are far more interesting than the events leading up to this choice, and had more attention been given to what happens in the last few moments of this piece it would have earned a much higher rating from this reviewer.

With that being said, this is one of the creepiest stories I’ve read this year. I read it in a well-lit room in the middle of the day, but the final scene still haunted my thoughts as I drifted to sleep that night. Good horror isn’t about frightening the reader as he or she is immersed in the story so much as it is about spooking them hours or days later as they remember what they just read. The Perfect Curiosity knows just how to do this, and for that reason alone it is well-worth picking up.

The horror and science fiction elements of The Perfect Curiosity blend so well together that this story will appeal equally to fans of either genre. I highly recommend it to anyone who is well-read in one of these genres and is curious to explore the other one. This tale is a good stepping stone in either direction.

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