The Haunting of Hotel Labelle by Sharon Buchbinder
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc
Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (201 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by OrchidWhen hotel inspector, Tallulah Thompson, is called in along with her pug, Franny, to investigate renovation delays, she meets an extremely annoyed and dapper turn-of-the-century innkeeper. The only problem is he’s in limbo, neither dead nor alive, and Tallulah and the pug are the first to see him in a hundred years. Cursed by a medicine woman, “Love ‘em and Leave ‘em Lucius” Stewart is stuck between worlds until he finds his true love and gives her his heart. When he first sees Tallulah, he doesn’t know what he’s feeling. Yet, her stunning beauty, and feisty attitude pull him in. With the fate of Hotel LaBelle on the line, Tallulah with the help of a powerful medicine woman turns Lucius back into a flesh and blood man. She and Lucius team up to save the hotel, but Tallulah can’t help but wonder if he will ever let go of his past love and learn to love again.
Lucius Stewart, owner of the Hotel LaBelle, loves Mourning Dove, a Native Indian of the Crow nation. When Mourning Dove dies her mother puts a curse on Lucius and he hovers between the spirit world and the real world unable to interact with either.
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Over one hundred years later Tallulah Thompson arrives at the hotel to discover why it is losing money. It’s present owner is not what he originally seems to be and when Lucius discovers Tallulah can see him, he begins to follow her everywhere.
This is a ghost story with a twist as the ghost is a spirit out of his mortal body and technically not a ghost.
The concept of a woman falling for a spirit has been done before, but this story has the extra touch of Lucius trying to recover his life and his hotel.
The emotional impact of this story is well handled and this alone would tempt me, but there os also the hidden life of the new owner to be considered plus the way he is ruining the hotel. His actions anger Lucius and provide some comical moments.
Good book, well written and obviously well researched as well. Excellent.
Thank you!!!