The Girl on The Beach by Morton S. Gray
Publisher: Choc Lit Limited
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (255 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by OrchidWho is Harry Dixon?
When Ellie Golden meets Harry Dixon, she can’t help but feel she recognises him from somewhere. But when she finally realises who he is, she can’t believe it – because the man she met on the beach all those years before wasn’t called Harry Dixon. And, what’s more, that man is dead.
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For a woman trying to outrun her troubled past and protect her son, Harry’s presence is deeply unsettling – and even more disconcerting than coming face to face with a dead man, is the fact that Harry seems to have no recollection of ever having met Ellie before. At least that’s what he says …But perhaps Harry isn’t the person Ellie should be worried about. Because there’s a far more dangerous figure from the past lurking just outside of the new life she has built for herself, biding his time, just waiting to strike.
After divorcing her abusive husband, Ellie changes her surname and she and her teenage son settle in a small seaside town. Her past rushes into the present when Harry Dixon, the new headmaster, reminds her of her son’s father, a surfer she met just before her marriage. She sternly told herself this wasn’t possible as Ben Rivers had died in a surfing accident before her son’s birth.
Ellie and Harry pull backwards and forwards as she tries to make him confess his real identity, while Harry is determined to remain in character as the headmaster. Things come to a head when the past rears its ugly head and threatens to pull their lives into oblivion.
This book is a delightful contemporary romance set in a seaside town in England. The angst of teenage life shows itself in the past and present allowing the flashbacks to Ellie’s teenage years to come to the fore.
A pleasant book, not too dark, but a little bit of mystery added makes the story more intense, and there is also a touch of danger in the final pages. Thoroughly enjoyable.
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