The Chronicles of Terlan: Daedala by Dañiel L Garcia

The Chronicles of Terlan: Daedala by Dañiel L Garcia
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Historical, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full length (209 pages)
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Orchid

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Daedala is mute and uses the Common sign language to communicate. Her family is killed by Prometh, the Light King who then slays her while taking sexual advantage of her. Daedala then joins Asmada as an immortal and they begin a quest to overthrow Prometh and recover Daedala’s son who has somehow survived the family slaughter.

I looked forward to reading this book but was disappointed by the bad editing. There were missing words, use of the wrong tense and head-hopping from character to character so at times it was difficult to figure out who was talking. The author also had a tendency to tell rather than show what was happening so that it ended up a bit like a text book.

Daedala could be an interesting main character as she is a blacksmith by trade so is exceedingly strong and her immortality means she recovers quickly from injury. She also has a sense or morality which gets her through tough times.

If the presentation was attended to this could be a spine chilling fantasy book with dragons, barbarians, magic and immortal warriors.

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