The Caretakers by David Nickle
Publisher: Tor Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (28 pages)
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe“The Caretakers” by David Nickle is a strange tale about a group of people called to a meeting with their intimidating boss. The newest member of their organization is not so sure she wants to even be there.
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The use of bad weather to hint that not everything was going well in this world was interesting. I liked the fact that the weather became violent so quickly and that all of the characters seemed to immediately know that it was due to something other than an ordinary storm. This hint about what was happening made me incredibly curious to figure out more.
I had a hard time keeping track of what was going on in the plot. The characters kept referring to people and events without explaining their significance. This happened so regularly that I felt as thought I’d leapt into the middle of a novel instead of beginning a stand-alone short story. It would have been really helpful to have more clues about how everyone knew each other and what kind of conflict they were facing much earlier on.
One of the characters in this tale was consistently referred to by their email address because Evelyn, the protagonist, had never been told their real name and thought using their email address would be the most proper way to identify them. This isn’t something I’ve seen in any other piece of fiction before, and I read a lot! I was quite amused by this detail, especially since it popped up over and over again as the main character and her colleagues tried to figure out how to solve their dilemma.
The Caretakers should be read by anyone who likes to be kept on their toes.
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