The Accidental Fiancé by Christi Barth

The Accidental Fiancé by Christi Barth
(Love Lottery Book one)
Publisher: Tule Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Is it the chance of a lifetime or his biggest mistake?

When former hotel manager Alex Kirkland, his sister and their best friends pooled their money for an unusual lottery prize—a historic, dilapidated inn on the Maryland shore—as a last-ditch attempt to escape rotten circumstances, they never expected to win. But they’re all looking for a fresh start and a second chance, so Alex convinces everyone to move in and repair the building in time for the spring wedding season.

Sydney Darrow never planned to return to her hometown. But her family needs her and Sydney can endure anything for 90 days—including making sandwiches and serving coffee with a smile until she returns to her jet-setter career. When her grandma mistakes a handsome customer for the “fiancé” Sydney created when she thought her grandma was on death’s door, well…Sydney will do anything to keep her spirits up during treatment. She can persuade him to keep up the charade for a few months, right?

But when Alex agrees to play along, will they both fall for their own fiction?

I’ve never read a story by Christi Barth before but I would definitely consider reading another. In fact, The Accidental Fiancé is the first book in the series, Love Lottery, and it’s made me curious enough to read book two.

The synopsis says it all. Literally, two hundred and ninety-four pages later there weren’t any additional surprises or plot twists but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the story, I did. My advice is, if the synopsis intrigues you like it did me, then don’t hesitate to give it a try. I’m certainly glad I did. There are times I’m not in the mood for an unpredictable, high adrenaline or complex book. Sometimes it’s nice to relax and read a heartwarming, fluffy story.

The characters were well-developed and relatable. I look forward to meeting them again in the sequel.

The prologue was a bit far-fetched but anything is possible. My interest was captured early on and was easily kept until the last page.

The romance between the hero, Alex, and the heroine, Sydney, was mostly sweet. I appreciated the sense of humor they brought into the story line. Someone not from a small town, such as Alex, had a lot to learn about how fast small town gossip spreads.

I recommend picking this book up to read and I’ll be picking up Book 2: Definitely Not Dating. Enjoy!

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