Snow White and the Seventh Bodyguard by Stephanie Rabig

Snow White and the Seventh Bodyguard by Stephanie Rabig
Publisher: Less Than Three Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (56 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Makana, known to the world as singer Snow White, is enjoying the resurgence of xyr popularity after a Youtube single brought xyr back into the public eye. But not all the attention xe gets is good, and xe reluctantly hires a bodyguard. Patrick Cortez seems like the perfect person for the job. But he’s also sweet, funny, and twenty-one years xyr junior. At least the press is having a good time.

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The chemistry between Makana and Patrick took a while to show up, but once it did I was crossing my fingers as I waited to see if these characters would end up together. I enjoyed the fact that neither character was in a rush to get flirty or to act on their attractions once those attractions began to develop. Sometimes there is definitely something to be said for getting to know someone first.

There were some pacing issues. Makana’s backstory was heavily focused on in what was already a long introduction, and there was also a subplot that required attention at the same time that the main plot also needed to be developed. The interesting thing about these elements of the story, though, was that I was fascinated by all of them. I wouldn’t have wanted any of them to be cut out. It simply would have been helpful for them to have been spread out evenly through the plot. The beginning and ending both felt cluttered to me, while the middle portion could have benefitted from some more conflict.

One of the things I enjoy the most about Ms. Rabig’s writing style is how seamless it is. Reading this book often felt more like listen to an old friend talk about what’s going on in their life than following a line of text on a page. The writing was simply that smooth and hypnotic.

Snow White and the Seventh Bodyguard is a clever tale that I’d recommend to anyone who is in the mood for something romantic.

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