Silence by Debra Webb
Publisher: Pink House Press
Genre: Contemporary, Holiday
Length: Short Story (100 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by ChollaTen years ago…
Special Agent Jess Harris has closed another tough case and now she’s determined to make it home to spend Christmas with her only family, her sister. Jess needs a break and taking it far away from work is the only way to keep her mind off the many faces of evil waiting in the stack of case files on her desk.
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Running into the past wasn’t part of the plan…Daniel Burnett was Jess’s first love. She’d fallen hard for him in high school. Together they’d gone off to college with big dreams. But not all dreams come true. Jess hasn’t seen Dan in ten years when they run into each other on Christmas Eve night…yet no force on earth can keep them apart.
Ten years before returning to Birmingham for good, Special Agent Jess Harris made a holiday stopover that she’ll never forget. Coming home for Christmas with her sister and her family, Jess is derailed when she runs into her first love in the local Publix. The next question is, will Jess make it to Lily’s on time for Christmas?
The Jess Harris we meet in Silence is both very different while being very much the same. She’s still hardheaded, determined, and willful. However, she isn’t carrying the shame of having lost the Player nor is she obsessed with bringing the same to justice. It was interesting to see how she was before all the bad went down, sending her back to Birmingham to help Dan. I also enjoyed watching her interact with Dan again after such a long time.
I can’t say much about Dan because, let’s face it, Daniel Burnett is practically perfect in every way. He never stopped loving Jess and it’s obvious. He’s still the strong, considerate rock of a man we meet in Obessession, and I have faith he always was and will be this same man. Dan is exactly everything Jess needs to balance herself out with.
Finally! I have been an avid follower of this series since it was introduced to me early last year. In practically every book since that first one, Jess has thought back to that Christmas she spent with Dan and now we finally have the story of what really went on that night. I wasn’t disappointed either. Silence was everything I had hoped it would be, both steamy and intense and full of the usual Debra Webb flair. It makes for a wonderful prequel to the series or, if you’re like me, a nice tidbit to tide you over until the next full novel is released.
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