Shooting Stars by Shelby Morgen

Shooting Stars by Shelby Morgen
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Holiday (Christmas)
Length: Short Story (42 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

“Why do we do this?”

“Because we’re so good together.”

“For a few days. A few weeks, even. But then it ends. Again. Badly. Always does. We’re like shooting stars. Speeding through the night sky until they collide. A shower of sparks and we’re gone again.”

“But it’s glorious while it lasts.” He kissed my neck, just below my ear, and I shivered in his arms. “And one of these days we’re going to find a way to make it work.”

“Liar,” I shot back. But it was Christmas. And I wanted to believe…

Mikael and Silvi had a complicated and steamy history – but when he is sent to evacuate her from a quickly deteriorating political situation Silvi has to admit Mikael had saved her; again. Every time the two of them get together the sparks fly – but they live such completely different lives, they never seem to be able to do more than steal a single night together before each going along their own trajectory. When they meet up again at the company Christmas party, can things finally change for the better?

I was surprised by just how much I really enjoyed this short story. Part espionage thriller, part sexy romance I found this story ticked a lot of good boxes for me. I liked the action/adventure in it and something about Mikael and Silvi’s fly-in-fly-out romance came across to me as dashing and sexy – not cold as I was scared it might. It’s clear to my mind from their chemistry and the fact they both want to change their relationship that their feeling are both genuine and deep – but life and circumstances keep conspiring to keep them apart.

There were a few twists in the story that I felt really made the whole thing worthwhile (and I’d totally read the hell out of a story about Silvi’s mother – now THERE is a lady who has a few wild tales to tell!) and the whole thing just left me feeling happy and good. While part of the story is set around Christmas-time there’s not much of a Christmassy feel to the story to my mind. Readers who are after a heavy-duty Christmas story mightn’t find this fit’s their bill – but for readers looking for a sexy, world-travelling, happy and vibrant story, I feel this will absolutely live up to their expectations.

Part spy-thriller part sexy romance I really enjoyed this short story.

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