Sexual Frankenstein by TC Blue

Sexual Frankenstein by TC Blue
Publisher: Torquere Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (45 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Tony & Darian have been friends and playing together in their band, Sexual Frankenstein, for a few years, and while they really are friends, they’ve never crossed that line — no matter how much they may want to — because of their band and friendship, as well as not thinking the other is interested.

The apparent interest in one of them, from their hot and very glam new singer, brings things to a head as long-buried jealousies push to the fore, leading both Tony and Darian to reevaluate what they already have and what they so desperately want.

I love a good friends to lovers story and this one didn’t disappoint.

TC Blue writes hot stories. Sexual Frankenstein is certainly hot. The writing flows well and I didn’t want to put the book down. I needed to know what would happen next.

Initially I wasn’t thrilled by either Darian or Tony. Both came across as a tad too tentative and I thought they’d be more dominant. Now, that said, I loved the book. I really did. I got emotionally involved with them and needed to see what would happen. Kudos to TC Blue for doing that.

The sex was hot and the tension thick. I’m glad I read this book and can’t wait to get back to Darian and Tony’s world. I would really love to see what’s in the future for these two.

Great reading.

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