Seducing The Marine by Kate Hoffman

Seducing The Marine by Kate Hoffman
Publisher: Harlequin Mills And Boon
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Fern

Subject: Marine Will MacIntyre

Current Status: Medical leave

One day a year Will MacIntyre lets himself remember the woman who left him after he enlisted. But seven years later, on the anniversary of that fateful day, Will is defusing a bomb in Afghanistan—and it explodes.

Dr. Oliva Eklund can barely find the boy she loved inside the hard, chiseled body of the man Will is now—a Marine who knows just how to tempt her, just how to seduce her. Olivia is well aware that Will plans to return to his unit after he recovers, but she can’t resist trying to heal him. Even if it means sending him back into a war zone. And breaking them apart forever.

Seven years ago Dr Olivia Eklund and Will MacIntyre broke up – on the day he enlisted to join the Marines. For seven years Will had defused bombs – literally – and not made a single mistake, until he finally lost his streak and the bomb he was defusing blows up. Returning home, Will is shocked to run into Olivia, and even more surprised she’s now a local doctor. Olivia knows she needs to heal Will – but she also knows that means their hearts might break when he leaves. Again.

I enjoyed this spicy romance and really felt Olivia and Will were a strongly matched couple. Neither of them had let their hurt stop them from achieving what they each wanted, even if they had never really been truly happy in the intervening years. I was particularly pleased that even though this is a typical Harlequin romance novel, it was still very modern and relatable. The spice and heat of the chemistry between Liv and Will was believable but not enough for me to feel the book should be slapped with an “erotic” title. There was plenty of plot and characterization outside of the simmering romance between our two main characters.

Equally I was pleased Liv didn’t simply hang around town and wait for her wayward hero to return. Liv actually went out there and enjoyed her life. She has an incredible intelligence and used that to get her medical degree then build a satisfying life around that. I really enjoyed how both Liv and Will had solid and logical reasons for their behavior, but they were each willing to listen and try to keep an open mind about the other.

Readers who enjoy a spicy romance should definitely find this an enjoyable and delicious read.

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