Rocked by Grace by M.J. Schiller

Rocked by Grace by M.J. Schiller
Publisher: Kissmet Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Zane Sanders, lead singer of Just Short of Chaos, surprised everyone, including himself, when he plucked a fan out of the audience at one of his concerts.

I don’t know what possessed me to do it. I’d never done anything like that before. But something about Grace drew me to her. And within minutes of pulling her on stage, I knew I’d made one of the best decisions of my life. Since our drummer Devin’s overdose, I’d felt dead inside. Perhaps for even longer than that. But Grace was fun, sexy—and as I would discover later—good and selfless. And an irresistible magic surrounded us that made me feel alive again.

That is, until I blew it. In classic Zane style. Funny thing is, when I first got Grace up on stage, I had no idea what to do with her. Now I have no idea what I’ll do without her.

Grace Devlin was living out every girl’s fantasy.

Only thing is, fantasies ended, and I realized pretty quickly that I didn’t want this one to stop. Zane had a magnetism about him that was more than mere charisma. That was evident the moment I—the girl who normally had to be dragged out onto the dance floor—practically became a pole dancer in his arms. Then it happened. The moment everyone kept referring to as “The Kiss.” But it was all part of the show, right? It didn’t matter that Zane made more than my feet move. He stirred up feelings that scared the crap out of me. The depth of his sadness called out to me even more than his unbelievable sex appeal, and that was saying something.

But it could never work between us. He may have come from a small town like me, but he was all rock star now and totally out of my league. I was a flower shop owner, not his saving Grace.

Are some actions beyond forgiveness or will he be rocked by Grace?

Oh my word, oh my gosh, this is my fantasy put into print. I read the synopsis and I was immediately interested in reading this story. It reminded me of the Bruce Springsteen video “Dancing in the Dark” where he pulled Courtney Cox on stage. I remember being disappointed when I learned she was hired to play the role of the adoring fan in the front row. I still had hope of this fantasy becoming real but with Jon Bon Jovi. Ha, ha….This was a fun read for me. It was like eating my favorite sweet candy, complete sugar high.

I fell in love with all the characters and I’m pumped that it’s book one in the series (Love and Chaos). There was an excerpt at the end for book two and now I’m dying for it’s release date. A funny tidbit was while I was reading this story – Justin Bieber’s new song, Lonely, came on. It made me think of the leading character, Zane.

Zane was exactly how I imagine my hero to be in my fantasy. The heroine, Grace, was better than I imagined. I love how Grace was developed. She lived up to her name. Together they “rocked” my world. The chemistry between them was more than sensual. I have to lean more to the spicy cinnamon side of candy on that one.

The synopsis states “Are some actions beyond forgiveness?”. Not in this case. I hope Zane and Grace make an appearance in book two. I didn’t want the story to end. I want more.

I totally recommend reading Rocked by Grace if you are at all a groupie in real life with crushes on famous people. It’s an easy read full of romance.


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review ROCKED BY GRACE! I’m so happy you liked it!

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