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Long and Short Reviews is having a huge 8th Anniversary Bash!!

This celebration is for all fiction genres we feature and review (romance, erotic romance, YA/Middle Grade, Mystery/Suspense, SFF and mainstream fiction) and will run August 17 – 28, 2015. We expect a huge turnout, with thousands of visitors, just like we’ve had every year on our anniversary! It’s a chance for some significant exposure. We’ll also be heavily promoting on all our social media accounts.

In addition to several other prizes (including books and author swag), we plan on giving away at least two $100 Amazon/BN GCs, and several smaller Amazon/BN GCs, all of which are sure to be a draw. If we get enough participation, we’ll have even more GC prizes!

This year, we’ll be doing a scavenger hunt. For publishers, we’ll create a blog post with your publishing house information, logo graphic and links. The readers will need to read about you (and so get to learn about what you offer) and answer a question about it in order to enter via rafflecopter which will also have your logo and a link to your post. Here is an example of what the rafflecopter entry will look like:

RafflecopterImage copy

The only cost to you is a donation of either a gift certificate to the publishing house, or digital book downloads, to randomly drawn winners during the tour. In return, along with the scavenger hunt entry, we’ll provide an ad on our website the week of the tour. There will be thousands of visits those weeks, so your ad will be seen by a huge influx of potential readers. You provide the graphic (animated or static) and we’ll take care of the rest.

To participate, please fill out this form:

Deadline to apply is August 1, 2015

If you have any questions, please email us at

Thank you,

Marianne and Judy

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