Pink by Stephanie Burke

Pink by Stephanie Burke
Publisher: Changeling Press LLC
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (98 pages)
Other: M/F, M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fuchsia

Nothing is ever as it seems, and magazine owner Calita is about to find out how true that statement is. Who is the pink haired, cross-dressing man who has tongues wagging and orgies breaking out in every corner of her offices from his lust dust? And why is he so interested in her?

Pink knows Cali’s not having a good week — mostly because she’s been defending him from his insane family! She’s been harassed, had her lack of a sex life exposed, and managed to get herself cursed by Love and Peace, Pink’s meddling parents. But Pink, lust fairy extraordinaire, is not going to let his boss live a colorless existence. He’s going to do everything in his power to see Cali is never alone, even if she never knows love or peace again!

Now if he can only get her to see that wonderful things sometimes wear skirts and look just perfect in Pink…

Pink is an Urban Sprite who is trying to break free of his father and stepmother’s dominance. When he is happy, everyone around him is also because he surrounds them with his dust which brings about intense desire. Pink is the sprite of lust and everyone he touches can’t seem to stop from acting out their sexual need.

Calita can’t understand what has happened to her brother or the other employees at her magazine. Everyone seems to be obsessed with sex, and then she saw this big guy sitting in her office. From the top of his pink haired head to the bottom of his high heeled feet, this guy was dressed all in pink. Her first thoughts was, who is that and why is it in her office.

Pink was a strange book, it started off with this big pink sprite pumping out Lust dust and everyone around him losing control. I thought that it would be one of those books that I would regret reading but, imagine my surprise when I realized that I was actually enjoying the book. I love reading books about Faes, Were’s, Gods and Goddesses, and Pink had a little bit of all that in it. I loved that Pinks father was the god of Love but didn’t really display any love especially towards him. Love’s wife and Pinks stepmother was the goddess of Peace but didn’t make anything peaceful.

The character of Calita was strong and she didn’t take nonsense from anyone, since she really didn’t believe in stuff like that, she actually thought he was transgender. After all he did wear a skirt and dressed like a woman. I enjoyed Calita because she didn’t bite her tongue, she told off his parents when they came to try and bully Pink into leaving with them. I also like that she gave him a closet as his office and told him that she would tell him when he could come out of the closet. There were a few humorous tongue in cheek moments in this book like that one which helped make the story flow nicely.

Pink is definitely a cute story, it is short but you do get a sense of who the characters are and you root for Pink and Calita to find their way to each other.

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