Picture Perfect by Nikki Dee Houston

Picture Perfect by Nikki Dee Houston
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (128 pgs)
Other: M/F, Masturbation, Voyeurism
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Sorrel

After being dumped by her boyfriend, Chelsea is lonely, loveless—and horny as hell. Her friend suggests she get out more—meet some new people, maybe take an art class…who knows, maybe she’ll meet someone who has what she needs. And if not, then there are worse things than having to stare at the gorgeous hunk of man candy that’s modeling for them.

But when a new student shows up in class, the tight, white T-shirt stretched over his muscled shoulders, six-pack abs, and bulging biceps makes Chelsea’s head spin. Peter is friendly, quiet, and when the model can’t make it to class—you guessed it—Peter fills in. Chelsea nearly slips off her artist stool, her panties are so wet. But will lust be enough?

Love, here it comes!

Chelsea has been dumped by the first and only boyfriend she had. At the beginning, I thought her to be a very naïve woman but the ending proved me wrong. The characters need to be a little bit more polished but the story was very engaging. The plot is simple and the author doesn’t overcomplicate it with filler.

There was some background information about the character but I felt that most of this was presented towards the end. However, the ending was pretty simple and satisfying.

I think Miss Houston did a perfect job of portraying the emotions and the plot of this story. I was right there with Chelsea every step of the way.

In Picture Perfect Chelsea is an amateur artist (painter), a very good one at that and Miss Houston did a good job at describing with minute details her painting performances. I got to say that is one part that I absolutely loved about this story and Miss Houston’s writing. Her ability to transport you into her world/story with her words.

This is an uncomplicated erotic romance with characters who were fun to meet and exciting to watch. Readers looking for a quick fulfilling read should check it out.

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