Outlaws of Love by Em Petrova

Outlaws of Love by Em Petrova
Publisher: Loose ID
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (168 pages)
Other: F/M/M, ménage, anal play
Rating: Best Book
Reviewed by Carnation

Upon traveling west to marry, Annabelle Stephens longed to leave her nickname of “Sweetheart Annie” and the strict rules of Boston society behind. The taboo freedom she faces isn’t exactly what she had in mind. A sexy outlaw storms into her rented room and kidnaps her, and then she’s embroiled in a dangerous game with not one man, but two.

Until now Xander Hollis wanted one thing–or maybe two–to stop the Southern Gorge Railroad from stealing the homesteaders’ land, and to act on his desires with his partner in crime, James. Like Robin Hoods of the Old West, he and James embark on a mission to rob from the rich and give to the poor. When he refuses to let go of the woman who could identify him, he finds he’s in true danger. Danger of losing his heart to the heiress of the very railroad corporation he struggles to bring down.

Circumstantially abducted railroad heiress, Annabelle is about to discover she is as hot-blooded as the irresistible outlaw, Xander, who has taken her from her hotel bathtub for the adventure of her life. Though she finds it incredible, she’s just as filled with passion for his partner in crime, James. The three become outlaws of love, each burning with desire for the others.

Anna discovers that her father, who owns the railroad, has been stealing land from the poor, hardworking people in his westward drive to ‘progress’. Texans, Xander and James, who are do-good outlaws, are waging a personal war against the injustice by trying to return the land to the people and thwart the greedy advance of the rich railroad company. They live their lives in hiding from the law and the posse’s who hunt them.

Anna and Xander fall quickly in love with a raging heat that firmly bonds their hearts. She agrees to marry the intense, sexy man as soon as they reach civilization. But Anna finds herself searching her soul for answers to who she really is when she’s confronted with a powerful and mutual desire for the handsome, tenderhearted James. James and Xander also face their erotic love and longing for one another when the three join as lovers forever.

Xander and James are heroes who inspire and reflect the best in men. These rugged, sexy cowboys are almost too hot to handle! The fantasy of having the love and passion of them both is made believable and true in Ms. Petrova’s capable telling.

Anna is a sweet heroine with a strong will and sense of adventure. She loves with power and courage. This is a story of a young woman’s life-changing awakening to her true self. Anna bravely confronts the truth of who she really is… not who she’s been told to be. The awareness of her own convictions, passions and independent spirit is brought to life through her love for two men and the freedom she finds in their arms.

Outlaws of Love is a moving and exiting love story that stretches the boundaries of the ordinary and leads the reader on a journey of hope. This story is of joy, profound love and devotion, courage and strength. I was swept up in the sexy romance, and the emotionally powerful plots. This ambitious tale truly hit a home run. I chuckled, squirmed and shed a tear, and know I won’t forget this story.

Infusing her writing with a pristine, fresh prose, Em Petrova draws the reader deftly into a landscape of the heart and mind. Her powerfully engaging work is a refreshing delight. Here is an example of her luscious descriptions: “The sun sank over the lip of the land, retracting its warm fingers as it did.”

Outlaws of Love is the first in the Hollis Boys series. My advice is, don’t miss this one.

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