Only One Man Will Do by Fiona McGier

Only One Man Will Do by Fiona McGier
Publisher: Eternal Press
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (174 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, Ménage, Anal Play, Voyeurism
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Quince

She’s never been satisfied with just one man. He’s not willing to share. What starts as a fling gets serious quickly, before it turns deadly. How far is he willing to go to keep her to himself?

Tough-as-nails businesswoman by day, Alexandra is a biker queen by night. When a large Russian man inserts himself into her life, she follows her instincts to some explosive sex. But he’s not willing to share her with her gang, and she’s not willing to give up other men. When two of her bikers are killed, Dmitri is the main suspect. How far is he willing to go to keep her to himself? And has she really fallen in love for the first time ever…with a murderer?

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The characters are interesting and complex, especially Alexandra. During the week she’s a business woman who runs the business she inherited from her father, trying to prove to him that she knows how to run it. But on the weekends she’s a leader of a biker (and sex) gang. What is consistent in her character is that in both of her “lives” Alexandra is a tough, independent lady and she doesn’t allow anyone to mess around with her. Her business and her private life are strictly separated and she is doing fine job keeping them that way.

Dimitri is not so much a complex character as a mysterious one. I liked the way the author created an aura of secrecy around him. He’s a man with a thousand faces, but he’s also the only one who could tame Alexandra. And he manages to do that by becoming the only man for her, but he did not change the things that made her her and that is what I liked about their relationship.

I think, maybe, I expected a bit more variety in the sex. Yes, the author flirts a bit with ménages and voyeurism and there is some BDSM and indications of anal sex, but the author did not go into much detailed descriptions of any of them. What was there, focused mainly on Alexandra and Dimitri and was steamy and full of tension.

This may not be an issue for some readers but for me there was a downside to this story. It’s in the category of safety hazards, such as unprotected sex, riding bikes without helmets and drinking alcohol while pregnant. I think I would have personally enjoyed this novella more if these issues hadn’t caught my attention.

Still, while Only One Man Will Do may have its flaws it is not a boring read. On the contrary, it was an entertaining read and one I could recommend. It’s a fast paced story, especially the second half. If you like tough ladies and mysterious Russians, then this story is for you.


  1. Thanks for the review! I’m glad you enjoyed reading about Alexandra and Dmitri’s romance. This book is the sequel to “For The Love Of His Life”, and the 3rd book will be out later this year.

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