Now Repeat After Me by Oksana Zinchenko

Now Repeat After Me by Oksana Zinchenko
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Non-Fiction
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

An old man who could not read a clock. A woman, begging the doctors to stop the awful smell haunting her everywhere. A man, who asks his mother for candies. A young man who closed his company became a priest and now is thinking secret agents are after him. A woman who does not speak anymore.

All these people are connected. All these people have a brain tumour.

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Simple games can reveal so much about how the brain works.

One of my favorite descriptions was shared on the first page when readers were informed that certain types of brain damage happen so gradually that they might not be noticed for a long time. I had no idea such a thing was possible and was eager to learn more about how the human brain compensates for the slow loss of senses like hearing or taste. Luckily, there was plenty of information to discover about these processes. It was described clearly and made me want to read more about it.

This story would have benefitted from another round of editing.The content itself was fascinating, but I kept finding punctuation and grammar errors in it that were distracting. They happened so often that I had to mention them in my review. If this hadn’t been the case, I would have chosen a much higher rating as the author was clearly quite knowledgeable about neuropsychology.

It had never occurred to me before to consider how much work the mind must put into multitasking. Receiving, processing, and interpreting all of that information isn’t always easy for people, especially if they have been diagnosed with anything that might have damaged how the different portions of their brain communicate with each other. There was an excellent example of someone attempting to do this later on in this book. Seeing the patient struggle with the task he was given gave me empathy for him and made me hope the treatment for his condition would be successful.

I’d recommend Now Repeat After Me to anyone who is interested in how brain damage can affect so many different parts of someone’s life.

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