Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

What if human survival depends on a network of remote thought interactions?
Then, out of nowhere, there’s a system shutdown.

Welcome to 2142, where Earth is a wasteland. Nousopolis must constantly sustain a vital technological infrastructure. The city is organized around an interconnected network of citizens and infrastructures based on an advanced computing system. It allows remote thought-based communication among citizens and between citizens and technology. Economic activities, resources, and the artificially sustained urban habitat are entirely dependent on this ‘neural-control interface’ computing system.

Janet Henriette Stapp, a 26-year-old mother of two, is an infrastructure project leader who suspects that something doesn’t make sense regarding the shutdown. She’s concerned about the city’s future and thinks staying inactive is not appropriate. Her teammates John Van Newman, a 25-year-old multi-scientist, and Rob Tom Nagel, a 27-year-old engineer, and Army Captain feel the same way. Besides the system issue, there are bizarre and mysterious occurrences. Luckily, they get help from Zoe Rogina Penrose, a 17-year-old rebellious and brilliant data and complexity scientist, who’s eager to be involved.

They know the very existence of Nousopolis and of the rest of the United City-states is at stake.
Together they set out to investigate and confront the matter.

There’s no such thing as a perfect system.

Exactly the right amount of time was on world building. There were several terms that existed in this world but that have no parallels in our own. It was nice to have them explained clearly the first time they were used, especially for the terms that were a little complex. I always felt like I knew what was going on here, and that was definitely a good thing.

There were numerous grammatical and punctuation errors in this story. As keen as I was about the plot itself, it was distracting to encounter so many mistakes as I was reading. They made me hesitant to recommend this to anyone even though I would have otherwise been telling everyone I know who reads science fiction to check it out. If this hadn’t been a problem, I would have chosen a much higher rating.

The characters were thoughtful and intelligent people. I appreciated the way they considered all of their options before making decisions whenever possible. Obviously, there were times in the plot when things were moving too quickly for a leisurely discussion about what they should do, but they took the contemplative route when their adventures allowed for it. This isn’t something I see happening nearly enough in this genre, so I was pleased to find it in an otherwise fairly action packed storyline.

NOUSOPOLIS was a thought provoking peek at one possible future that I’d recommend to anyone who loves the science fiction genre.

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