Mr. June by Bailey Bradford

Mr. June by Bailey Bradford
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (100 pgs)
Other: M/M, Rimming, Anal Play
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

lias Hayes is coming to believe that there is truth to the saying ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’

Ilias Hayes was flattered when he was asked to pose in a charity calendar shoot. He was even more thrilled to participate when Perry invited his boyfriend, Terry, to pose with Ilias. Being one of the couples in the calendar would cement their relationship.

Except it doesn’t. Terry dumps him, and Ilias realizes just how warped that relationship was. He plans to focus on his career with San Antonio Police Department and work out why he stayed with someone who treated him so badly.

But a call from dispatch about a fight at a doctor’s office brings a very interesting, opinionated man into Ilias’ life. He isn’t sure if Doctor Torres is flirting or not, but Ilias wants to find out—if he can get past his own fears and escape someone who wants Ilias for themselves.

Ilias is shocked when he discovers Terry – his boyfriend of four months – is an utter douche. Hurt and a little burned by the experience, Ilias focuses on his job as a police officer. When he meets Dr. Torres on the job, Ilias is pleasantly surprised by how the good doctor smells, and Ilias’ inner bear is more pleased that Dr Torres appears to be a shifter too. Despite a bit of initial clumsiness, can Ilias and Henry find their way together?

I found this to be a sweet and almost endearing story. I thought Henry and his silly/funny jokes were adorable and Ilias was also a strong but still sweet character. These two guys also contrasted very well with Terry – who was a borderline abusive, self-centered jerk and I was impressed that the author managed to walk a very fine line. Terry was a realistic character and not a cartoon-like villain but still clearly a nasty piece of work and a good source of conflict for the story.

I loved watching Henry and Ilias begin to date, I just found it so heart-warming and sweet. This is definitely the sort of story that I’d recommend to readers unsure about M/M romances, as there’s tons of emotion and a realistic connection between the two men. Add in some corny jokes and a goofiness on the part of both men and this made the whole experience a great story to my mind. I found the sex to be hot and intense – definitely explicit and erotic, but nothing that I would consider envelope-pushing for an erotic-romance reader.

While the sub-plot (both paranormal and drug-related) moved quite slowly through he first half of the book I was really pleased when it got moving in the latter half of the story. I completely understood the author setting up the romance between Henry and Ilias first, but it did make the end of the story feel like a lot of plot was crammed in. I have to be honest though, I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it quite interesting. I’d have loved to see more of it in the first part of the story, too and balanced a little better throughout the story.

With great characters, a solid plot and loads of romance and sex this was an interesting story that kept and held my attention all the way throughout. I think it’s a great story and will happily try another book by this author.

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