Living Love by Ava Bleu
Publisher: Persuasion Media, LLC
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short story (42 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by FernKim and Christopher Jenkins are getting on each other’s nerves. They love their daughter and their hometown of Ivyhurst but their family vision is a little off track. Kim wants a home like the ones she sees on cable DIY shows. Chris wants to work more than be at home with his family. And despite the fact that they both hold down jobs, they can’t seem to make ends meet.
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Now their hometown of Ivyhurst is showing signs of stress, too. Which begs the question, what does a loving marriage look like when the realities of life set in?
Kim and Christopher were childhood sweethearts who had mostly made good. With a teenager and a comfortable life the only thing Kim wants is a dream house for them to make their home. But money is super tight and Kim is worried that for the first time maybe she and Christopher aren’t exactly on the same page.
This is a slightly bittersweet – but I felt very realistic – short story. Even when two people love each other very much, life doesn’t always go as you expect it to and that was what I felt reading this story. Kim and Christopher are both completely normal and very relatable characters. I felt like they loved each other very much but had somewhat lost touch with each other over the course of almost fifteen years of being together.
Readers looking for a happy or blissful story probably won’t find that here. While realistic and understandable, I felt the ending wasn’t what I was expecting from a romance novel. Similarly there was no “romance” aspect really to my mind. While Kim and Christopher were a solid and well-established couple, I felt this story focused more on their relationship and expectations – rather than any chemistry or romance as such between them. I’m not sure this style of story will appeal to readers looking for something more romantic or gentler. I have to admit though, I found it very fresh and interesting to see how Kim and Christopher compromised and worked through the bump in their marriage. It was a good reminder that sometimes couples have to make hard sacrifices when things get tough.
Short and a bittersweet reminder of how not all romances are fairy tales – I found this to be a good short story.
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