Layla’s Love by Ava Bleu
Publisher: Persuasion Media, LLC
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short story (80 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by FernLove ain’t for the faint of heart, and it ain’t for Layla Smith, either.
Who’s got time for romance when there’s Layla’s Gourmet Pizza Shop, a charming restaurant that won’t run itself?
And then there’s the growing pressure from the newly developed New Ivyhurst community members, determined to make her declare loyalty and allegiance to the new town over the old.
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And … she might just want to sample a taste of Raymond; handsome businessman and Wednesday night customer, Mr. Double Cheese, himself. Raymond; tastier than all the toppings of her very best pizzas put together.
With loyal workers Darryl and Lucas pressuring her to live her best life, and Layla just trying to live one day to the next, all she knows for sure is that love might just be the most dangerous thing of all.
So it’s a darn shame it’s creeping up on her all the same.
Layla owns her own pizza store and makes the best pizza in Ohio. Working seven days a week from first thing in the morning until often midnight means she has no time – or interest – in romance and a love life. Raymond was one of her regulars, and when they talk more than superficially after his dog died, Layla finds herself flummoxed when Raymond starts paying her particular attention. Can Raymond and Layla navigate their busy lives into something resembling a compromise together?
I found this to be an interesting, almost “confessions of” style of story. Told in the first person I enjoyed really getting to know Layla and understand exactly where she was coming from. I also was surprised but really intrigued when I found that Layla did a few things that weren’t very heroine-ish but were completely relatable and realistic. Things like snapping at her customers and mis-reading the signals Raymond gave her. Raymond and Layla’s relationship didn’t get off to a smooth, customary romance-book-style beginning and while this didn’t endear Layla to me, it really did capture my attention. Partly because it made this a story unlike the usual ones I read, but also because I found it completely relatable. Friendships and relationships don’t always start off being picture-perfect and smooth and we do say silly things and make mistakes sometimes. While it’s not often described in romance stories it did resonate with me and make the whole tale feel more like real-life.
I was pleased when Darryl and Lucas – Layla’s two friends and co-workers – didn’t hold back with a few hard truths after Layla shot Raymond down in flames. I feel it could have been easy for the author to have written that scene a different way. I really felt that having Darryl and Lucas both stand up to Layla and not sugar-coat their view of her poor behavior was some excellent and strong writing. Personally, I didn’t like Layla’s attitude – though when she explained why she felt the way she did I understood – and it was an unusual feeling for me to not like and sympathise with the heroine to a story. At times this was not a comfortable read, and while I can appreciate it, I strongly feel this book won’t be for all readers. I’d personally put it into one of those “I’m in a certain mood” style of books. I do have to give the author kudos for writing some realistic and unflattering aspects into the main character in Layla.
Readers who enjoy realistic characters – flaws and all – and romances that don’t progress smoothly but have misunderstandings and difficulties should find this sweet short story relatable, logical and very true to life. I feel if you’re looking for a soft, warm and fuzzy style of romance this story won’t suit your tastes, but with multi-dimensional, realistic and interesting characters, a solid plotline and plenty of reality this should be a good read for many people.
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