Kneading You by C.S. Poe
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (40 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by FernChristopher Hughes is new to the small New England town of Lancaster, New Hampshire. He’s been hired to save an old library from closing, but his obstacles include not only fighting for state funding, but a Selectman who wants to tear the building down in favor of a shopping center.
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Christopher had been in Lancaster only a short time and was having trouble finding a job until the library suddenly needed some help. Thrilled, Christopher has no idea just how much work he’s in for. With the funding to the library being threatened and unsavory people wanting to raze the site for the land value, Christopher knows he needs all the help he can get.
I really loved this short story. Despite the small number of pages I found the characters – Christopher and Miles in particular, but even the small cast of secondary characters – all vibrant and realistic, logically and well drawn. I found in just a few sentences the author managed to convey each character with their own sense of self and particularly with Christopher I found their voices just spoke to me and I was eager to ride along and see what happened next.
The plot isn’t particularly convoluted, but rehabbing and modernizing an older, small town library was something I feel most readers can both identify with and envisage. This helped me focus even more on the characters and enjoy their interactions, because all the other plot going on was logical and I didn’t need to think about it too much.
The romance between Christopher and Miles bloomed slow enough that I found it believable – but was fast enough that they made proper head way in the short story. There is only one very brief scene of intimacy but the chemistry and attraction between Christopher and Miles fairly sings from the pages so I feel only readers looking for a highly explicit and strongly erotic take will feel this is a little too tame for their tastes.
Fun and lighthearted with a really good, small-town feeling I loved this story and am eager to try more from the series.
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