Kinky Thinking by Natalie Dae

Kinky Thinking by Natalie Dae
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (105 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Things spiral out of control, and Suzie and Jack find themselves in danger, the business end of a gun pointing in their direction…

Jack, an escort worker, hasn’t stopped thinking about Anna since he joined her and her husband, Kline, for a ménage. He’s longed for her, wished she was his, but doesn’t expect to ever see her again—although he lives in hope. To his surprise, she requests him as an escort again at a hotel called The Libra, alone this time, but he’s unable to comply with her very explicit wishes.
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Fellow escort worker Suzie also has a client at The Libra. Their meeting takes a turn for the worst and she stumbles home, alone and frightened and wishing she had her friend Jack to comfort her. The following night, when Suzie tells Jack about her experience, she doesn’t expect him to rush off to confront the client.

Jack doesn’t expect to bump into Anna again either, much less for Suzie to be called out to a meeting with Anna. Anna asks Suzie to join her in a mad scheme to catch Suzie’s father, her ex and her attacker on a taped conversation about an illegal arms deal…

Jack is considering quitting his job as an escort. Sure, he still can’t get Anna out of his mind, but it’s not just the delicious blonde herself. It’s the idea of her. Someone who was his. Someone with whom he can do anything, anytime to. A real relationship. Suzie works at the same escort company Jack does. They’re friends and comfortable with each other – but don’t know much outside the bare basics. Suzie is running from her past and when it finally catches up with her, there’s no one else really for her to turn to. Jack finds himself drawn not just to Suzie’s problem – one he desperately wants to help her solve – but to the wonderful woman herself.

This is the third book in the series, but I feel it can be read by itself. While Jack has a brief history with Anna (very much a secondary character for fans of the previous books) the plot really revolves here around Jack and Suzie and can be read without the first two stories. Readers should be aware there is a rape scene near the start of the book. The rape is implied (not shown explicitly – the scene itself is jumped over – but it clearly occurs and sets off the sequence of events). I was quite grateful the act itself wasn’t shown or described, but readers for whom this is an issue should consider this before reading. Also, readers who have read the previous books might find Anna’s actions a little harder to fathom. I, personally, felt Anna’s character was slightly different in this book from the previous two. I feel this might be due to the fact we didn’t see any of the story from her point of view – so I can’t be exactly sure what was really in her mind – I found the scene between Anna and Jack excellently written but slightly uncomfortable. I personally found it pushed the envelope a bit and it wouldn’t surprise me if some readers feel it goes a bit far. I have to hand it to Ms Dae, the scene is an excellent catalyst for Jack, and is very strongly and well written – any book that can make me emotional and uncomfortable is fantastic writing – but I’m usually a reader who enjoys the fantasy of the story, and this one wasn’t quite to my personal tastes.

I can’t fault the pacing of the book – the plot moves very steadily along and yet still has plenty of time for me to become attached to both Suzie and Jack. And the sex is smoking hot, the danger and action made me turn the pages quickly, desperate to find out what happens next. I also thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the characters of Jack and Suzie quite well. They’re both remarkable characters and quite unique to my mind. I found myself very attached to them both – separately and as a couple – and invested in their actions. I also was impressed by the plot surrounding Suzie. It was intricate and a lot deeper than I was expecting, and this was a very pleasant surprise.

Readers who want their boundaries pushed and to read intense situations with interesting characters should enjoy this book. There are a few hot-button topics involved, but overall I really enjoyed this story.

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