How to Quit Playing Hockey by Isa K
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (170 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by LisianthusMac has never wanted to be out. He’s not ashamed of his sexuality–especially after he started hooking up with his teammate, Fritzy. The lies are exhausting, but the risks that come with the truth are enough to convince him to keep his mouth shut.
Fritzy already has a reputation as a troublemaker. He’s actually good enough to make to the major leagues … if anyone will take him and being out and gay makes that even less likely. So, they have to stay quiet for now. Be hockey players today, be gay later. Mac has always felt that coming out was a personal decision, but this is clearly a business decision.
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Hockey has always fascinated me, and the way that the author peppered facts into this story seamlessly just caused that fascination to grow. Fritz and Mac are both hockey players and both in their late twenties so they’re on the downward slide of their careers. Being openly gay in Hockey could hurt their career, so they both work hard to keep their love a secret.
This story simmers and builds up slowly with every second very realistic and believable. I don’t often come across a MM novel where the main characters are hiding in the closet and both of them agree with the decision. Mac has insecurities that being in the closet only seemed to multiply, and it’s interesting to see his thought process. When the status quo changes and they have to fight to make their relationship last I really felt for them.
The scenes between Fritz and Mac are hot, but this isn’t just a wild sex romp, there is real emotion and plot being built up over time. The language used by the team could be offensive at times if it didn’t illustrate the way I imagine most hockey teams are with each other. I’m going to be reading more hockey stories in the future because Ms. K has given me even more insight to the game.
If you love hockey, stories with heart, and hot men in tight pants you need to read this.
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