How to Marry a Cowboy by Carolyn Brown
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (324 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating 4 stars
Reviewed by NymphaeaRancher Mason Harper’s two little girls want nothing more than a mama of their own. So when a pretty woman appears on his front porch in a tattered wedding dress, while Mason’s looking for a nanny, he can’t help but wonder if it’s fate.
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Carolyn Brown has done it again.
I don’t say that lightly. She’s written quite a few books, but she’s one of the few authors I grab once I see the book on the shelf. Her work sparkles and I’m glad to get the opportunity to read the novels. This one is no different. I felt like I was right there with Annie Rose and Mason. The book is a fluffy, happy read that should be a staple at the beach or on your kindle.
Mason is a bit of a broken and frazzled man. He’s got two little girls who are champions at chasing away potential nannies. Why? They’re precocious kids. They are off the charts. Then again, I can’t say I’ve met too many completely docile kids. I loved how Ms Brown makes Mason lovable and kept nudging me to want to hug him. Did I mention she describes him well, too? Oh yeah.
Annie Rose is another fine mess. Really. She’s on the run from an abusive relationship, ends up in a pond, submerged and in a wedding dress. See? A fine mess. There were times I loved her and times I thought things were a tad too easy for her. Still, I rooted for her the whole way.
If you want a book that is sheer entertainment, then this might be the book for you. Grab a copy today!
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