Home Run Cowboy by Gemma Snow

Home Run Cowboy by Gemma Snow
Publisher: Totally Entwined Group
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Larkspur

The only thing better than riding a cowboy is submitting to one.

On her own for the first time, Skylar Wedgeworth has no idea what to do about it. She’s torn between behaving like the hard-working mom she’s dedicated her life to being…and embracing her fascination with the erotic world of lust and submission she has long put second.

That’s where The Ranch comes in. And with it, Caleb Cash.

The injury that cut short Caleb’s pitching career just before he joined the majors, then his wife walking out on him have made Caleb question everything about himself, and he hasn’t had a partner since.

Until Skylar.

There’s no denying the heat between them when Skylar checks into the erotic lifestyle club Caleb and his six best friends opened in the Montana mountains, but for things to go further than their physical connection, Skylar has to learn how to put herself first and Caleb must be willing to trust a new partner with his heart…

Home Run Cowboy is an endearing and passionate story about two people who have given up on finding love. The plot immediately drew me in and I was transported to The Ranch, where all your erotic dreams can come true. I enjoyed the heat shared between Caleb and Skylar and found it easy to relate to them. They are both down to earth, good people who have been hurt in the past. They are vulnerable, but somehow are able to open their hearts up again. I was invested in their story and wanted everything to work out for them.

Caleb and Skylar meet when Skylar decides to visit The Ranch, owned by Caleb and his friends. Caleb and Skylar are taken by surprise by the instant attraction flowing between them. Unfortunately, they know their relationship can’t last because Skylar lives on the other side of the country. Caleb is also concerned about some unscrupulous people who are trying to force him to sell his land. This adds drama and intrigue to the story, as Caleb tries to discover who is trying to buy up all the property in the area.

What I enjoyed most about this story were the characters. I was invested in them and wanted them to find their HEA. Caleb is a moody cowboy who lost his baseball career when he was injured. Skylar is also feeling discontented with her life. She is a submissive and now that her daughter has gone off to college, she wants to explore this side of herself.

Caleb and Skylar lead full lives, but don’t have anyone they can share it with. Plus, they have particular needs and not everyone understands or has the same interests.

When Caleb and Skylar meet they find it easy to open up to each other and everything just seems to click. If you enjoy hot and spicy stories, be sure to read Home Run Cowboy.

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