Hollow Fissure by Max E. Stone
Publisher: Self-published
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short story (39 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by LavenderThe well-meaning and meddlesome Mr. and Mrs. Aden want nothing more than to protect their only daughter, Hannah.
After her childhood kidnapping in Somalia and a final showdown in Italy against the monster responsible, nineteen-year-old Hannah just wants back the life stolen from her.
She isn’t naïve like her mother believes. Frequent flashes of past terrors assure her that the healing process is far from over. At the same time, she’d hardly use her dad’s words and call herself “strong” or “brave.” That description belongs to Melissa Bennett, the woman who almost died saving her.
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Melissa doesn’t feel much like the hero she’s being hailed.
While she is glad to have saved a life for once, the one she’d almost taken continues to haunt her dreams and stall her recovery.
Despite her good deed and continuous help from friends and family abroad and Kyle—the father of her little girl—she knows her days of freedom are numbered.
This story is an exciting family saga wrapped up in a small package with lots of characters and dramas in a little space. Though it is one installment in a bigger tale, for the most part, one can understand what is going on. Being thrown into the middle of the action is not an issue excepting the occasional confusing moment.
Hannah was kidnapped and harmed but later saved. She and other characters have painful emotional journeys to go through. The author does a great job at helping his readers understand just what this feels like for each of these characters. Some must recover from damaging things done to them, must overcome self-doubt, and some must work out regret. These people are growing. They are complex, and we come to understand them.
This very emotional tale was written to reflect the immediacy of feelings. The conversations are insightful. The action is told through the dialogue though. If one wants action, it comes with this story, but not first hand. It’s all in the remembering.
There are some spicy scenes but not with new or hoped for love. Rather, these scenes are about happily married couples. Trust issues are examined and sometimes in charming and unexpected ways. This little story was worth the read.
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