Higher Ground by Becky Black

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Higher Ground by Becky Black
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Science Fiction
Length: Full Length (170 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Zach Benesh is sure his prediction is right – the island colony of Zahara is about to sink into the ocean. Adam Gray isn’t as certain, but he’s happy to follow the intense, brilliant geophysicist into the mountains to escape the flooding. Though he’d be even happier without three hundred other people – and their pets – tagging along. He’d like to have Zach all to himself out there.

But Zach’s prediction is right and as disaster begins to unfold towards an unstoppable, inevitable conclusion, the two young scientists must become a team in the fight to save their people. They draw strength from their rapidly developing relationship, but the higher Zach and Adam climb, the more difficult the tests they face – as lovers and as men.

The world may be ending but that doesn’t mean Zach can’t find love and sex before it blows. Zach is a brilliant scientist who has discovered the planet they’re living on is about to end. Unfortunately he’s having a hard time convincing anyone of his findings; not to mention he just met super cute guy, Adam. Although the timing may be off, Zach takes a chance and convinces Adam to help him save as many people as possible.

Higher Ground is an amusing story that reads like a B grade end of the world movie. The main characters have a cute meet, barely get a date in together before they’re off trying to save the world and anyone they can find. Well technically the world is beyond saving but the people aren’t. Zach and Adam are a likeable couple. They come across as somewhat bland and typical, easy forgettable, but at the same time they’re harmless and fun to read. Both are stereotypical cut outs and there is no real angst to their pairing.

The drama comes from external sources of the planet blowing up. Unfortunately this is where I had the most problems with the story. It’s a decent enough concept, if a familiar one, but the story really struggles in the details. Supposedly this takes place on a distance terra-formed planet of the universe. Except there is almost no world building and not enough details that actually brings that premise to life. Instead, the story reads like a contemporary story with a few novel words and gadgets thrown in here and there. That’s not bad for the story itself, but it detracts heavily when the story is billed as science-fiction in space.

Overall, Higher Ground is an amusing read with a drama-free main couple and some familiar set ups. The various secondary characters are fun and tend to steal the show from the main couple and the author’s writing is very clean and smooth. Perhaps not a story I’d read again but enjoyable and easy to read.

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