Her Ancient Hybrid by Marisa Chenery

Her Ancient Hybrid by Marisa Chenery
Publisher: Smashwords
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (52 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Waratah

Brolach is old. Ancient. A hybrid, half vampire and half werewolf, he’s a true immortal who can never die. He’s lived for three thousand years, but has slept buried for two of them. It isn’t until a female comes to the hill where he sleeps does he come awake, ready to protect her, his vampire side knowing she’s his mate.

Physically threatened by her ex-boyfriend while out on a hike in the grasslands has unexpected results for Waverly. A man, muddy and covered in dirt, explodes out of the ground to rescue her. After he turns into a wolf and chases off her ex, she soon loses it when he turns his attention to her.

With the help of Waverly, Brolach adjusts to the new world he’s awakened in to. The new life he sets about making with his mate is soon threatened by one of the vampires who’d killed his family and had buried him alive.

Two thousand years is a long time to have to wait to meet your mate. It’s even longer when you’ve been buried alive.

I love new to me authors, getting a feel for their talent and how they weave a story. Ms. Chenery did a good job. I enjoyed the hybrid true immortal story line.

A very short read, this is a good one for readers who want intensity but don’t have much time to devote to long drawn out novels. I was a bit sad when this one ended but only because I kept imagining the interaction between the characters after the last page. I adored Waverly even as things progressed too fast for her; she still hung in there and was a champ. As for Brolach, I was fanning myself over him – protector, lover and a Vampire/Wolf that had been sleep for two thousand years. It made me laugh when I pictured his face as seeing a car for the first time.

I don’t know what the author has planned for future books in this series but Waverly’s brother needs his own story – what a character he is, so full of himself but loyal to his sister. Cameron the lone wolf; yep, he needs his own story.

If I could change something it would be the length, it truly needed to be a bit longer to give the characters more time to develop. Brolach is all alpha male but he could have been more likable if I could have had more time to get to know him, understand him.

Everything else meshed well. I’d give her a B+ on the sexy scenes and the premise was a win. I enjoyed the dialogue and how smoothly the pace flowed. I will be looking forward to reading more of Ms. Chenery’s work. I’d recommend this to any shifter lover. Enjoy.

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