Going Back by Treva Harte

Going Back by Treva Harte
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (41 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Gene Price, former teenage star, has been living the simple life. He’s cut himself off from anyone who knows about him and his former bad reputation. Out of the blue he begins to get death threats. He doesn’t want any part of his past nowadays, but the only one he trusts to find out what’s going on and protect him is Leo, his former bodyguard — the one he’d slept with before he fired him.

Will Leo be wiling to protect Gene? And could he ever be interested in the changed man Gene’s become?

Gene has been out of the spotlight now for almost a decade. While once a fairly famous and in high-demand person, it’s been years since he moved out into the country and settled into a quiet life. When Gene receives some threatening mail he feels the need to turn to Leo – the bodyguard and security expert who had helped him back in his more famous days. The attraction still simmers between them, but have either man really changed enough to make something work between them?

Despite the short length of this story I felt the author did a really good job of packing a whole lot of plot and action into it. Not only is Gene receiving threats presumably related to his previous life as a famous face – but he has a young, teenage son, Joseph, he’s never even heard of dumped at his door. Add in the sizzling chemistry and attraction to his previous bodyguard into the mix and it packs one heck of a powerful punch in such a short space of time.

The only down-side I felt to this story was much of the plot surrounding Gene’s death threats and his personal safety wasn’t really resolved by the end of the story. While Gene and Leo are left in a Happy For Now situation, I really felt like there were a few fairly major plot points that were left hanging and I usually prefer the stories I read to be stand-alone and not unresolved. Readers who are sticklers for this might not find the ending suitable to their tastes.

Even though Gene and Leo become intimate extremely quickly, their clear – and torrid – history together helped me see that it made sense they’d be unable to keep their hands off each other. While it took most of the story for me to really believe the two men could make something lasting of their attraction the sexiness all but scorching between them certainly helped add some spice to the story. The pace of the whole story was at a fairly fast clip but I feel the balance between the plot, the chemistry and romance between Gene and Leo and the fledgling trust and relationship between Gene and Joseph was well handled and helped me really enjoy this story.

Fast paced, short and sexy this was a good read and one I will enjoy again in the future.

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