Ghosts from the Mountains of Madness by Donald McEwing
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Action/Adventure, Historical, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Short Story (123 pgs)
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by AloeIn the occult annex of the Miskatonic University Library, a remarkable find lures the narrator and staff to the Antarctic interior. Their goal: discover the fate of the lost Peabody Expedition of 1931, and recover the last copy of a strange, forbidden text that disappeared with them. Inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft novella, “At the Mountains of Madness,” this tale reaches a terrifying resolution upon the high plains of Eastern Antarctica’s Chthonic Dome.
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You need an imagination to read this story. The main thrust of the story is a search for the unknown. Mr. McEwing is excellent at developing atmosphere. He talks about feeling the cold even though he’s reading the book in a warm room. He keeps seeing things that no one else does. If you don’t think watch it, you’ll be getting twitchy, too.
The first sign that all is not going well is when one of the men on the plane goes nuts. He ends up shooting several people, decompressing the plane, and then killing himself. Since they are all scientists or doctors, this is very unusual behavior. The worst part is that isn’t the last of it.
There’s all kinds of horror and terror yet to be built in the story. They are miles up from the actual site because there’s ice on top of it. One man runs off into the weather and ends up freezing to death. There’s living horror here even if you can’t see it.
This story is suspenseful, horrific, and makes you feel vulnerable even if you’re sitting in a chair in your nice warm home. Why would someone go adventuring in a land where the diary writer said was full of fear and danger? Read the story and you’ll find out.
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