Fueled By Lust: Caelius by Celeste Prater

Fueled By Lust: Caelius by Celeste Prater
Publisher: Siren Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (316 pgs)
Other: M/F, M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Verbena

Caelius Meron strips at Heat Seekers Male Revue just so he can find his mate. So imagine his shock when he finds her in a cooking class he was forced to attend. So what’s the problem? There’s twenty-two of them according to Rhia Brennan. Undaunted by her claim that he’s too young, Caelius battles every roadblock she places. But what if one may be too difficult to ignore?

Kallon Aceso knows exactly who should own his heart, but Ulixes Dionysus doesn’t appear to want it. But is it really something else buried so deep that it may keep them apart forever?

Travel with these two Insedi as they both chase their hearts’ desire, only to be thwarted by misconceptions and mistakes from the past. Can they scale these insurmountable walls, or will they have to walk away and forever mourn what they could never have?

A super sexy hunk who knows his way around the kitchen, what more can a girl ask for? At first, Caelius’ attention seems too good to be true. Rhia feels herself falling fast for this Grecian God, but despite her body’s irrefutable attraction, her brain just can’t get past the age difference. Having been down the road to Heartbreak City before, she knows there’s no point in letting her allure override her common sense. However, a night of passion with the understanding that there’s not likely to be anything else doesn’t seem too reckless. After all, at her age, what’s the likelihood of ever having the a man like Caelius’ in her bed again? One look in the mirror reminds her that she’s too old, overweight, and parts of her have started to migrate south. A single night of mind-blowing sex will have to get her through all the long, lonely nights ahead. And after Caelius gifts her with an evening to remember, her expectancies come true. Or so she thinks.

Caelius has long awaited a sign from his conprobatus—his mating necklace—telling him he’s finally found his mate. Yet night after night of dancing at Heat Seekers Male Revue has produced no leads. When he accidently scratches his friend’s hummer and is forced to take cooking lessons as a form of punishment, he discovers that perhaps he’d been looking in the wrong place all the time. As soon as his gaze lands on Rhia’s voluptuous form, he expects that she’s the one. Too bad his necklace doesn’t seem to agree. When he finally manages to get Rhia alone and show her just how attractive she is and how she really turns him on, his disappointment quickly turns his hopefulness into despair. Despite what his heart feels, it seems Rhia is not a compatible mate. Rather than focus on what he can’t have and risk hurting her, he leaves Rhia the next morning and focuses on finding his true mate. Days go by and despite how many wrists he touches, he can’t get Rhia out of his mind. When his futile search for a mate brings him face to face with a psychotic stalker, Caelius decides it’s time to leave town. Perhaps putting some distance between him and Austin will accomplish two things: deter the crazy chick from the club and heal his breaking heart. He’s come to the realization that the problem must be him; he’s broken.

Well, Ms. Prater has done it again. She managed to steal my heart with yet another of her hunky alien men. This story even had a bonus as the good doctor manages to find his mate as well. While her other stories in this line have a hint of male to male attraction, this one has full man on man action so readers of strictly M/F beware. I don’t typically read a lot of M/M stories, but I didn’t mind this time because I already knew the characters so well and I was pleased when things worked out for them. As for Caelius and Rhia, once again I couldn’t help but fall in love with them. Rhia is closer to my age so it was nice to see that us older gals still have a chance at finding the man of our dreams. Despite Caelius’ younger age, his actions and behaviors really show his maturity. Just like all the other Insedi warriors, he knows the value of women and he doesn’t take his role lightly. Despite a lack of response in his mating necklace, he still wants to look over Rhia and ensure her safety. He struggles between wanting to follow his heart and needing to fulfill his purpose on Earth and obligation to Insedivertus. But all hope is not lost, a visit home to see his father and seek his wisdom presents a glimmer of hope that perhaps he’s not the one broken after all.

Ms. Prater has woven another wonderful story of love, triumph, and romance. Book five in her Fueled by Lust line, Caelius’ story most certainly lives up to the precedence set before. As Ms. Prater adds each installment, I find myself totally engrossed in the Insedi world. The characters have become like family and I’m totally eager to see what happens next. Who will find their mate and what obstacles will they face? While this story focused mainly on the internal struggles of both Caelius and Rhia, there’s still a bit of danger in the mix. The ending provides a couple of surprising twists, leaving me on the edge of my seat, anxiously waiting for number six.

For an exciting story full of passionate embraces, endearing confessions, and super steamy sex, be sure to grab Ms. Prater’s latest installment of Fueled by Lust staring Caelius Meron and Rhia Brennan. I loved this laid back tale that took me on an emotional ride as the characters battled internal demons that threaten to keep them apart. If you believe love conquers all, then you’ll be equally enthralled by yet another of Ms. Prater’s masterful fantasies.


  1. Wow! I absolutely love reading the reviews that you give, Verbena. Warms my heart when someone takes this much time to fully analyze what I poured my heart into. You rock! So glad that you enjoyed their story! Thanks for the fantastic review and I can’t wait to send you Maxim coming out on 1/6/15. Get ready to grip that chair! 🙂 xoxo C.

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