From Under a Rock by Tam MacPhee

From Under a Rock by Tam MacPhee
Publisher: Tellwell
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Rated: 3 stars
Review by Rose

In this compelling memoir, author Tam MacPhee bares her soul and shares her deepest memories. As a little girl she battles through abuse, with her innocence betrayed by the males closest to her. Becoming a single parent at the age of eighteen, she is determined to work hard to create a better future for herself and her child.

Soon after turning nineteen, she meets a man whom she believed to be the man of her dreams. But she had no idea that the toughest lessons in her life were still to be learned. Secrets are revealed and a piece of her heart is broken off forever.

Realizing she deserves more, Tam finds her path set out by the universe that brings her love and success. But the journey also includes a new heartbreaking diagnosis and many challenges. Join Tam as she recounts her story, sharing her experiences and life’s lessons.

Ms. MacPhee is to be commended for her honesty in telling her story so frankly. The book begins with her birth in 1974 (from what she has been told and from what she remembers as a child) and continues through Covid and her care of her mom during her final days. The book is written just as the author remembers things – very stream-of-conscious writing. Because of this it can come across as a bit disjointed at times, but the authenticity of her life shines through.

The author includes a large section of pictures and letters from various parts of her life, which also lead the reader to get to know Tam and her family members.

However, the book would have been easier to read had it been edited better. There were several issues with punctuation and areas where the writing could have been a little tighter and not so rambly. Details were duplicated, and there were times when less would have been more.

I do think that the book is a good way for Tam’s family and friends to learn more about her, though, and that’s a good thing. She also includes a chapter of advice she has learned across the years, which is helpful, as well as a chapter on the importance of the number 22 to her life.

All in all, I enjoyed reading the book and learning more about this woman and the life she has led.


  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Sounds like a good read.

  3. Sounds like a good book.

  4. Thank you for sharing your review thoughts.

  5. This sounds like a great story.

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