Every Kingdom Divided by Stephen Kozeniewski
Publisher: Mirror Matter Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (292 pages)
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe2035 A.D. After the 2nd American Civil War Jack Pasternak, a laid-back California doctor, receives a garbled distress call from his fiancée in Maryland before her transmissions stop altogether. Unfortunately for Jack, citizens of the Blue States are no longer allowed to cross Red America. He is faced with an impossible choice: ignore his lover’s peril or risk his own life and sanity by venturing into the dark heart of The Red States. When the armies of the Mexican Reconquista come marching into Los Angeles, Jack’s hand is forced and he heads east in an old-fashioned gas guzzling car. Stephen Kozeniewski, writer of Braineater Jones, The Ghoul Archipelago and Billy and The Cloneasaurus, brings an epic future adventure.
How far would you go to save someone you loved?
What I found most interesting about the science fiction elements of the plot was how subtle they were at first. This wasn’t at all what I was expecting to find in the first few chapters, so I was really interested to see how and when they would show up in more obvious ways. Writing it this way was the perfect fit for all of the action scenes, though, as they didn’t leave a lot of room for much else until the pace slowed down a little bit. This story was clearly meant to be fast-paced and full of adventure. I quickly grew to appreciate why it was written the way it was.
The world building was extremely well done. The Red States and the Blue States had unique cultures that were instantly recognizable and full of little details that made them three dimensional and unforgettable. Either one would have been a wonderful backdrop for everything that happened to these characters. Including both of them made it impossible for me to stop reading. I simply had to know everything about them and how they’d affect the main character.
Jack’s trek kept me on the edge of my seat from the beginning to the end. It was such a dangerous mission that there were several times when I honestly couldn’t see how he’d survive his latest conflict. The word intense doesn’t even begin to describe some of the predicaments he got into while attempting to cross enemy territory. There was so much adrenaline running through my veins that I had to force myself to stop reading an hour before bedtime so that I could actually relax and go to sleep at the right time. To me, this is a sign of a fantastic book as well as a reminder of why I’m such a huge fan of Mr. Kozeniewski’s work.
Every Kingdom Divided was incredible. I’d whole-heartedly recommend it to anyone who enjoys science fiction as well as to anyone who is curious to give this genre a try. It’s a great choice for hardcore and brand new fans alike!
Thank you for taking the time to review my novel!
You’re welcome. I can’t wait to see what you write next!