Dragon Drop by Jerry Ackerman
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Short Story (130 pages)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by CyclamenWatch the magic that happens when a brave teenage girl helps a dragon grow a heart. (And narrated by …. the dragon!)
A female seventh grader befriends a dragon who transzips himself to Earth, pursued by angry dragons from his planet. He meets Lily, who longs for adventure. She gets adventure and challenges when the dragon taps on her window one night. What offense did Py the dragon commit that exiled him from Dragondrop? And how will Lily hide a dragon in the average suburban neighborhood?
Py doesn’t want to tell Lily his crime and she has a secret she can’t share. Because dragons are solitary, unemotional creatures, they hoard their treasures and rarely share or show their feelings. But something changes inside Py after he meets Lily. He starts to feel emotions, learns about right and wrong, and decides he needs to help her.
But what can a dragon give a human? The answer is unexpected and touching. And the reader learns about true giving and sharing.
Dragons can travel from their home world of Dragon Drop instantly by means of the TransZip interstellar highways and this is just what Pyrolavadon (better known as Py) does when he needs to escape a posse of a hundred dragons. He asked the probe to take him somewhere far away, and he ends up on Earth, the farthest point on the TransZip system. On Earth, Py meets an eleven year old girl named Lily and together they learn about each other.
Jerry Ackerman has written an incredibly wonderful story of love and joy. Ackerman writes this in the first person, narrated by Py himself. Py lands on earth and quickly learns several languages. His world and view of himself begins to change when he meets Lily. Py begins by claiming to be an ambassador sent by the dragons to learn about Earth. Lily knows this to be false, but she doesn’t force Py to tell his secret because she has a secret of her own. Ackerman shows how Py’s heart is opened by Lily. Py, the true hoarding dragon, begins to feel emotions and to learn right from wrong.
Ackerman crafts both Py and Lilly into fully developed and believable characters. The two of them share adventures which are all shown through Py’s eyes with delightful humor and intelligence. Lily is in many ways a typical seventh grader, but with an incredible sensitivity and insight into others. Both Py and Lily change as a result of their friendship, a friendship that grows into such a strong bond that each is able to share their secret with the other.
This is a magical story. I enjoyed seeing the world through Py’s eyes. Py and Lily both have gifts to share, unusual and heartfelt gifts. I highly recommend this novel for any lovers of dragon fantasy.
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