Dogs Don’t Look Both Ways by Jane Hanser

Dogs Don’t Look Both Ways by Jane Hanser
Publisher: Ivy Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (160 Pages)
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Cyclamen

Joey, the chocolate Labrador, loves to run and run. Living in the neighborhood of the Boston Marathon, he runs as many as twelve miles a day, early in the morning, with his dad. But after they return home from a run, Joey still wants more, much more. Keenly observant, he allows no opportunity to explore the world pass him by. But will his insatiable sense of discovery lead him to gratification? Or to danger? A decision Joey makes early one morning forever changes his life and the lives of his mom and dad, his running partner.

Joey is a wonderful chocolate Labrador with a lot of energy, boundless curiosity, and unquenchable love. He tells his own story, from the time that he was a newborn until the present when he is ten years old, and it is really fun to listen to him. Yes, he knows the rules. He just chooses to circumvent them, in his quest for new adventures. He does decide that some rules are worth following. For instance, he knows that when he goes on the early morning runs with his dad, that he can stay off leash if he stays close by. And Joey loves nothing more than to run, free, alongside his dad, with occasional stops to sniff and explore.

Joey’s world is filled with wonder, and it is heart-warming to read about it. It is also many times very humorous. He goes cross-country skiing with his mom and everything is going fine until Joey sees “Mary, our mail carrier, going from house to house; with Mom in tow, off I galloped toward Mary to get some of the pocketful of tasty dog biscuits she carries with her in her pockets. What happened to Mom? I don’t recall. The last I heard her, she was calling, “Joey, stop. STOP!” and the last I saw her, she was heading right for the hedges.” This is when Joey realizes that he isn’t a working dog.

One day, Joey’s enthusiasm and energy gets him into real trouble. He is hit by a car. Joey’s views about his extended treatment seem realistic. He doesn’t understand, or he doesn’t want to understand, why things have changed. He also manages to teach his mom and dad how to listen to what he’s trying to say. The growth in the bond between Joey and his family is amazing to watch.

Animal lovers are sure to enjoy this heartfelt story of an amazing dog. Dogs Don’t Look Both Ways is a wonderful glimpse into ten years in the life of a delightful dog.


  1. This book sounds really good!

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